Status: Active :)

Home Is Where the Heart Is


*2 years & 3 months earlier*

Caleb and I had gone out a couple more times and I liked him more and more. We had so much in common and he was such a sweetheart. I was sitting on my bed one day when I got a text from him.

-Caleb Turman-
Hey beautiful, do you possibly want to come over and watch movies with me? :)

I smiled at how cute the text was, I could definitely see myself dating him. I quickly responded,

-Of course I'll come over and watch movies with you. Be over in a sec? :)-

-Caleb Turman-
Yep, see you soon babe ;)

I made my way next door to Austin's, Caleb was living there although I didn't exactly know why. I rang the doorbell and waited a couple minutes until the door swung open revealing a smiling Caleb.

"Hey!" He greeted as he moved aside so I could walk in.

"Hello" I smiled at him and I realized that he was only wearing basketball shorts, no shirt.

"How're you?" He asked as we started walking towards the basement stairs. It seemed like no one else was home.

"Pretty good, do you always greet your guests half naked?" I joked.

"Only the pretty ones," he winked at me as we walked into his room located in the basement. "So this is my room...sorry it's kinda messy." He laughed as he sat down on the edge of the bed.

I had been down here several times before he had moved in seeing as how I had grown up with Austin and we always used to have slumber parties when we were in middle school.

"Oh my God, this bed is my favorite thing in the entire world!" I exclaimed as I laid across it.
"I haven't laid here in so long though" I laughed.

Caleb just laughed as he laid down next to me.

"You're right, its a fantastic bed" he agreed.

I just smiled at him as he got up and turned on a movie, it was some comedy that I had wanted to see. We watched the movie in silence, well Caleb was watching the movie. I was too distracted by the fact I was laying next to Caleb on his bed while he wasn't wearing a shirt, needless to say it was extremely distracting.

I didn't realize that Caleb had noticed I was staring until he called my name again.

"Lyla, what are you thinking about?" he laughed as I became flustered.

"Sorry I was just spacing out" I tried to lie.

"No you weren't, tell the truth!" he laughed.

"It's embarrassing" I mumbled as I tried to look away.

Caleb lightly grabbed my head and turned it so we were once again looking into each others eyes. The moment was perfect when he leaned in slightly and connected our lips in a soft and sweet first kiss.
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