Status: Active :)

Home Is Where the Heart Is


*Lyla's POV*

I woke up the next morning with an incredible hangover. As soon as i opened my eyes i regretted ever touching alcohol the night before. My stomach churned from the natural acid mixing with the heavy alcohol making me feel the need to vomit. My head pounded as I lightly slipped out of Jessie's bed and quietly made my way to the bathroom. I looked in the mirror to see my makeup smeared, my hair everywhere and my eyes completely bloodshot. Needless to say I looked like absolute shit. I washed my face before brushing out my tangled locks and getting ready for the day. Once I was dressed I went back into Jessie's room to grab my phone and see if I had any missed texts or calls. I picked up my phone to see that I hadn't received anything at all. I knew Caleb was going out and said he wouldn't be able to call but normally I at least got some form of a drunk text. Not this time though.

I quietly made my way downstairs to the kitchen where I went straight for the cabinet containing all the medicine and took some aspirin to get rid of my pounding headache. Jessie's parents were already at work, they basically spent all their time there. They were one of those couples that didn't really like each other but didn't really want to deal with a divorce, they just threw themselves into their work completely. That way they never really had to see each other, or Jessie.

I made myself some breakfast before leaving Jessie a note telling her I was going home to shower and take care of some things. I would normally wake her up but I knew she wouldn't be too happy if I did because she had drank a lot more than I had the previous night.

Once I was home I let myself in and went straight to the bathroom to take a long hot shower. I thought about everything Jessie and I had talked about the night before. The things she said made sense but i just didn't want to believe that my relationship with Caleb was declining that bad. The last thing I wanted was for Cay and I to break up but Jessie said it was inevitable and I was just prolonging it and making it worse. I honestly didn't know what to think anymore.

Once I got out of the shower I sent Caleb a text, it was time for us to talk about everything. I kept it short and sweet not really wanting to get into detail until we were actually talking.

'We need to talk, call me next time you're free'

I hit send as the tears started to fall from my sore eyes.
♠ ♠ ♠
Ohhh shiiiit, it's getting intense(:
Comments please????

Thank you so much for reading!<3