Status: Active :)

Home Is Where the Heart Is


*Caleb's POV*

I was wasted, I was in a hotel room although I wasn't too sure if it was mine. I really wasn't sure if it was the same hotel I was staying at. I could feel the blood pulsing thorough my head as it pounded. I dared to open my eyes slightly and look around at the messy room, the blinds were slightly cracked letting in just enough light for me to see clothes thrown all over the floor. I felt something move beside me and looked over to see not one but two naked girls in bed with me. The first thing that popped into my head was Lyla when I realized that I too was naked.

"Fuck" I whispered as I slowly and quietly slipped out of the bed. I looked for my clothes while trying to remember exactly what happened last night. I remembered being at the bar and seeing the two girls making out, I remember them stopping me and asking to have drinks with me and that's about it. The more I thought about it I could remember flashes of being in the room.

"Shit I had sex with them" I mumbled as I quietly got dressed, grabbed my wallet and phone and made my way out of the room.

Luckily I was in the same hotel that the band had been staying at. I made my way back to my room before checking my phone, seeing a text from Lyla. She wanted to talk and I had cheated on her, fuck I was in deep shit.

I quickly showered before I decided to call her, I didn't know how I was going to tell her i had cheated, I didn't want to tell her honestly.

"Hello?" She answered after the fourth ring, hearing her small voice made me feel so guilty.

"Hey baby" I tried to sound as normal as possible, praying she wouldn't be able to tell something happened.

"Hi Cay" She sounded so small, something was wrong and I felt like such a shit boyfriend for not being home there with her.

"What's wrong babe?" I asked, I was so paranoid she knew that I had cheated.

"Do you still want a family?" She asked sounding worried.

"Uhh yeah someday, why?" I was confused as to why she was asking about this now.

"I mean, do you still want a family with me?" She questioned. I honestly had no idea where she was taking this and I was just praying she wasn't going to tell me she was pregnant.

"Of course I still want a family with you Lyla, you're the only girl I'll ever want a family with" I told her honestly. Even though we had been having our problems, Lyla was still the only girl I could picture myself growing old with. I wasn't exactly sure why she was questioning our future family at a time like this but before i could ask her she blurted out the last thing I was expecting.

"I want a baby Caleb."

♠ ♠ ♠
Ohhh snap, Caleb is digging himself a really deep hole.
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