Shotgun Sinners

Chapter 11

Olivia's POV

So once Chelsea had showered and Mikey had straightened his hair, we all piled back into the Kay-mobile and headed for Hollister, to 'annoy the preppy girls,' as Alex put it.

Once we got in to the store, all the size-double-zero platinum blondes looked at us like we were aliens from Uranus or something. I smiled cheerfully at one, and she ducked behind a rack of pink hoodies like I was going to hit her. We were all giggling at their stupidity.

"Hey guys?" Frank called in a high-pitched voice. We turned around to see him wearing a flippy white skirt over his skin-tight black jeans. "Does this skirt make me look fat?" He batted his eyes at us and twirled around.

We all cracked up. Leave it to Frank... "Yeah, sugar, sorry," Gerard replied in an equally girly voice. "You totally look like a hundred pounds. Lets go make ourselves puke!" Gerard grabbed a skirt off of the rack and put it on over his pants, and he and Frank skipped away holding hands. By this time we were getting no end of filthy looks.

"Get out of here, emos," one anorexic-looking barbie got up the nerve to say.

I smiled sweetly at her. "Oh, I'm sorry, I must have missed the No Originality Allowed sign on the door." That shut her up.

sorry it's short and shitty, i can't write right now. lol