Shotgun Sinners

Chapter 7

Really crappy. Writer's block. Sorraaayyy!
Ok. Fine. Here's a chapter by me.
Kay's POV

So after the whole 'sex thing' in the car, we went back to the house.

"HEY GERARD!" I screamed in his ear as we walked in the house. He looked really pissed. "I got something very important to tell you!"

"Is it so important that you have to scream in my ear?" I nodded and he sighed. Frank just laughed at his...sigh-ness.

"I think you need to sit down on this couch here." I said sitting down and patting the spot next to me, he sat down and I pretended to be really sad. "Gerard. You stink. You need a shower. Like really bad."

"Do not." He said crossing his arms.

"Do too." I said, crossing my arms too.

"Do not."

"Do too."

"Do not."

"Do too."

"DO NOT!" he screamed at me.

"DO TOO!" I screamed back at him.

"Shut up. Both of you. You're giving me a headache. Gah." Olivia whined, covering her ears. We both unfolded our arms and hugged each other.

"Aww, lurve. So cute." Ray said, and everyone laughed.

"Group hug!" Frank shouted, while jumping on me and Gerard and joining our random hugging moment. Soon everyone was jumping on us, making one big groupd hug. Or a pile of people. Whatever you feel like calling it. Either way, me and Gerard ended up being crushed under everyone else.

"Who's leg is in my crotch?" Frank asked.

"To tell you the truth...I don't know." Bob laughed.

"Mmmph...mmmpppph! MMMMMMPPPPHHH!" a muffled voice called from the pile.

"Uhhh...Gee?" I asked nervously.

"MMMMMPPPPHHHHH!" I gasped as I saw that The Fro was suffocating Gerard.

"RAY! You're 'fro is suffocating him! Get off! Everyone!" I screamed. Everyone got off and and brushed their clothes off. I don't know why though. "Can you breath Gee? Or should we cut off Ray's 'fro so it doesn't try to kill you anymore?"

"NO!" Ray shouted, running out of the room, holding his 'fro.

"I'm bored now," I said.

"Me too...." Meghan agreed.

"Well, what should we do?" I asked.

"Let's have sex!" Frank screeched.

"Uhhh....with Gerard, maybe...with all of ya'll, no," I said.

"Oh yeah," Gerard grinned at me.

"Let's go to Hollister," Alex exclaimed. Everyone looked at her like she was crazy. "To annoy the snobby girls, DUH!" Everyone nodded and did the 'Ooooooh' thing.

"To the Kay-Mobile!" Olivia screeched. Was everyone yelling today?