Shotgun Sinners

Chapter 9

Chelsea's POV-

We all sat around the dining room table with take-out Chinese food in front of us, each struggling with the wooden chopsticks that I had specially asked for, just to make eating complicated for everyone.

“Okay, I give up,” Bob says angrily, throwing down the chopsticks. Meghan copied him and placed her chopsticks down on the table, for she was also having a very difficult time eating with sticks. Everyone else stared at them with mock shock.

“You didn’t!” Olivia shrieked loudly.

“How dare you!” Alex cried out, sending all the guys into laughing fits.

“Wait a second…” I said seriously, and the room calmed down a bit. Questioning glances were being sent at me from every direction. “Where are Gerard and Kay?” As if on cue, there was a bang in the direction of the bathroom door, and a low grunt that I guessed belonged to Gerard.

“Oh…my God…” Mikey said, looking straight ahead, shaking his head in shock. Another groan emitted from the bathroom, and Mikey stood up and covered his ears. “La, la, la, la, la!” He said, trying to block out the noises that were still coming to the bathroom. He stopped for a moment to see if they had stopped. Nope. He slapped his hands back over his ears and squeezed his eyes shut. “LA LA LA, LA LA LA LA LA!” He screamed, everyone around him exploding in laughter, and Olivia even falling off of her chair.

While Mikey was still carrying on, the bathroom door opened a bit, and out stepped Gerard and Kay. Kay was all smiles, and Gerard’s hair looked like someone had stuck a balloon to it.

“Well, I guess Mikey was right,” Olivia said, giggling so much that I was surprised she could talk at all. At the mention of his name, Mikey opened his eyes a bit and uncovered his ears, turning to face us.

“Huh?” He questioned, before seeing Gerard’s hair and going into yet another spaz attack. He practically shrieked before falling to the floor, hugging his knees in an attempt to get it together. I decided to sit down next to him and hug him, whispering things in his ear that made him perk up quite quickly, if you know what I mean.

“We’ll get you back for that, Gerard,” Mikey threatened, a smile present on his face. Everybody began to laugh at the thought of innocent little Mikey getting revenge. What a strange concept! Then my eyes went wide. What exactly did he have planned?!

“Haha, very funny, Mikey," I said without humor, giving him the evil eye. He looked back at me, still laughing, claiming that he was just kidding. I began to laugh and hugged him.

"So, back to business then, Kay?" Gerard said suggestively, giving all of us a wink, but making sure Mikey didn't see it.

"Oh my God Gerard stop it right now! That's disgusting!" Mikey whined, his voice full of fear and disgust. Once again, the room was full of laughter as I let Mikey in on the joke. He blushed furiously and claimed to have known that all along. I gave him a big hug and a kiss on the cheek, giggling a bit at his cuteness.