We're Not Falling In Love, We're Just Falling Apart

Chapter Seven

Dan was possibly the most amusing guy I had ever met.

The two of us had sat down at one of the tables in Starbucks and just talked. He was surprised to learn that I was two years younger then him. Although it didn't seem to bother him later on in our conversation. He told me all about himself, including the fact that he lived in Brooklyn. That had confused me since he was attending St.Judes but he explained that he was there on a scholarship. We both lost track of time to discover that we were going to be late to our first classes. What a great way to start off my first day at my new school!

He apologized over and over as we walked towards the door. I stared outside when I saw that it was raining heavily and I looked down at myself. I didn't have any kind of jacket and I did not want my clothes to get ruined. Dan noticed the look on my face and I watched as he shrugged off his jacket. He held it out to me," Here, you probably need that more then me." I laughed a little as I took it from him," Are you sure? You'll get soaked." He shrugged as he pushed the door open and motioned for me to go first. I shook my head, not wanting him to get drenched then have to suffer all day with wet clothes," I have an idea."

I motioned for him to move closer to me and I handed him his jacket," Hold it over your head." He laughed as he did what I told him before I moved closer to him. I reached to hold the other side of it over my own head so I wouldn't get wet. I had to be really close to him in order to do this, our sides were pressed together. We both looked at each other as I asked," Ready to run for it?" He nodded and we both hurried outside. We were laughing as we ran towards the direction of our schools. People were staring but that didn't matter to him or me.

We reached Constance and went just inside the doors. I let go of his jacket as he dropped his arm to his side. I looked up towards him, knowing we had to go our different ways. This was one of the many times I wished I was going to a co-ed school," I guess I will see you around." He nodded slowly, looking nervous all of a sudden," How about we meet up for lunch? We could go to this cafe that isn't too far from the school." I was not sure if I should say yes or no. If I said yes I would have fun but I knew that Chuck might somehow find out. If I said no I would hurt Dan's feelings.

I leaned up slowly to press my lips to his cheek," See you then." I flashed him an award winning smile before I hurried to find my first class. I had probably missed about half of it or possibly more then that. I was too busy thinking about everything else to give a shit though.

Spotted: Little E and Lonely Boy getting close in the pouring rain. Lonely Boy might not be over S just yet but with Little E's help that could happen in a snap. Maybe Lonely Boy won't be so lonely anymore. You Know You Love Me. XoXo-Gossip Girl

All of my class were a breeze, I barely had to pay attention. The teachers all welcomed me and pretty much kissed my ass for the donations my parents had made to the school. I had a free period before lunch so I figured I would just wonder. I was standing at my locker, putting away the stuff I didn't need. I heard the sound of someone calling my name and turned my head. There was a young blond girl heading my way and she was followed by a boy. The two of them had smiles plastered on their faces. I raised an eye brow as I slammed my locker shut and leaned against it," Do I know you two?"

They both shook their heads and the guy cleared his throat," I'm Eric Van der Woodsen, this is my friend Jenny Humphrey." I nodded slowly, remembering hearing the name Van der Woodsen," Wait..are you Serena's brother?" He laughed a little, shrugging, his face flushing," Guilty as charged." I laughed as I looked over at Jenny," Sorry, I'm Evelyn, but you two seem to already know that." Jenny grinned as she hooked her arm through mine," Indeed and it seems to me that my brother likes you." Her brother? What was she talking about? I had a confused look on my face," Your brother?"

"Dan, he's my older brother, the two of you were spotted on Gossip Girl," said Jenny as she held her phone up to my face. I stared as I saw a picture of me and Dan huddled together underneath his coat. I rolled my eyes as I shook my head," At boarding school I never had this sort of problem." That made the both of them laugh as we walked down the hall together, Eric on Jenny's other side. Jenny told me that we were going to go to the courtyard and we could talk there. I let her lead me there and saw that there were plenty of students milling around, cell phones in hand.

It had stopped raining otherwise it probably would have been totally empty. We walked over to one of the tables and sat down, putting our bags on the table. Eric opened his mouth to say something but then is facial expression changed," This is not good." Jenny and I looked at each other before looking at him, waiting for him to continue. He bit his lip as he seemed to look away from something or rather someone," Pissed off Chuck at five 'o clock." I whirled around to see Chuck had just walked in from the boy's corridor. I cursed as I turned away, hoping he wouldn't notice me.

"Evelyn!" Too late, I forced myself to turn and saw him walking towards me. Eric had been right in saying that Chuck was pissed. It was sort of written all over his face! I muttered to Jenny and Eric that I would see them later before I stood up. I grabbed my bag and turned just as Chuck reached me. I placed my hand on his chest and shoved him back," Not here." He ignored my words as he grasped my hips in his hands," You and Brooklyn? That's why you blew me off this morning?" I looked down towards his hands and then up at his face," Yes that's why! He bumped into me and wanted to make it up to me by taking me out for coffee!"

Why would he care anyways? The only reason he had even kissed me last night was to make Blair jealous. So it wasn't like I was his property or something. I heard him make a noise that I swore was a growl before he pressed his mouth to mine. We were standing in the courtyard that was filled with people! All of them had their cell phones out! I gasped as I felt his hold tightening on me and I was pulled against him. I heard the click of cameras as I tried shoving him away. He refused to let me go as he continued to kiss me.

I was doing my best not to react but it was so hard. His hands were moving all over me and his mouth was bruising mine. My hands gripped his shoulders helplessly as I struggled to find out what to do. I knew that I shouldn't be kissing him, in the middle of the crowded courtyard, with plenty of people watching. I felt myself being moved and cursed against his mouth as he shoved me against a nearby wall. Why weren't there any teachers coming? He was suddenly lifting me up and that forced my legs around his waist!

Holy shit! This could not be happening! I could not be making out with a guy in front of tons of people. A wince escaped from me as I felt him bite my lower lip and pull on it. I had no choice but to keep kissing him because he wasn't letting me go. Everyone was staring, he knew it, and I knew it, Gossip Girl was going to be posting about it. I heard the sound of heavy footsteps before Chuck was torn away from me. My legs fell to the ground and I saw Nate Archibald standing there," What the hell man!"

He shoved Chuck away before he grabbed me by my arm," Let's go." I had no choice but to follow him into the boy's corridor. Almost as soon as I had left the courtyard I heard whispering and giggling. I looked towards Nate to see that he looked impassive. Why would he care what I was doing anyways? He finally stopped walking before he turned towards me," You need to stay away from Chuck." I pried his hand from my arm, biting my lip," And you need to explain to me your past with my sister."

The look on his face was priceless. He sighed, running his hands through his already messy hair," Of course she didn't tell you, she won't tell anyone." I watched as he cursed and paced a little in the hall. I crossed my arms over my chest as I watched him," Um, no offense, but you look a little insane right now Nate." He stopped walking at my words and actually laughed," Thanks for letting me know." I shrugged, a small smirk forming on my lips," That's what I'm here for."