We're Not Falling In Love, We're Just Falling Apart

Chapter Nine

People were staring.

They were staring like I was some sort of animal on display.

Thanks to Chuck and his little episode I was sure everyone knew my name. I was also sure that Blair and her minions were going to be out for my blood. Jenny and Eric were doing their best to act normal but I knew better. They took me around the school for the rest of my free period before offering to go out to lunch with me. I informed them about my plans with Dan, which made Jenny beyond happy. She thought that her brother and I would be a good couple even though he and Serena had apparently only just broken up a few weeks or so ago.

I went to go meet Dan outside of St. Judes, glad to have an excuse to get away from campus. I saw more then a few guys staring at me as they walked by me. I couldn't resist the urge to roll my eyes as some seniors walked by, all of them whispering and laughing," Seriously? It's not like you haven't seen people make out! Get the hell over it!"

I glanced around in hopes of seeing Dan, wanting to get away from school. My phone had begun to go off from inside my purse but I didn't go to answer it. I finally spotted Dan walking out, my lips curving into a smile," Dan! Thank god!" He laughed as I ran towards him and pulled him into a hug. He wrapped his arms around me and squeezed me slightly around the waist.

He pulled away but kept his arms around me," What do you say to going to a small cafe that isn't exactly a place you would usually go?" I laughed, nodding, my hands resting on his shoulders. I was glad to have met Dan on my first day, he seemed like one of the few sane people that attended St. Judes or Constance Billard. He let go of my waist but reached to take my hand in his, leading me down the front steps.

We walked a few blocks away from the schools and reached the cafe he was talking about. He pushed the door open and motioned for me to go inside. I smiled at him in thanks before going inside, glancing around. There were a few people there, none of them were our fellow classmates so that was good. He led me over to a table in the back, the two of us sitting down next to each other. I set my bag down on the floor, pulling my phone out to see if I had been called or texted.

The screen read that I had one missed call and I went to see who it was that had called. The name Pepper was on the screen, she had left a voice mail. I chose to listen to it later, setting my phone down on the table. I glanced over at Dan, biting my lip," So what should I get to eat here?" I was curious as to what his answer would be since he was a guy after all. Sometimes guys thought that girls like me only ate salads, counted carbs and that sort of thing.

"Well I am a huge fan of their fries and I love their burgers," he said, glancing towards the menus that were on the table. I nodded, reaching to grab one, flipping it open," A burger and fries sounds amazing." I pretended not to see the obviously surprised look on his face. A waitress came over and we both ordered the same thing. He told me that I had to try one of their shakes so I said we would split one.

It almost felt like a date, a very casual date.

"So how about we play a game?" I suggested, a grin on my face. I loved doing different things to get to know someone. He would soon discover that if we hung out more often. He looked curious as to my question. He nodded slowly and waited for me to explain. I reached to adjust the headband that tamed my hair," Let's play twenty one questions."

"You go first," he stated, a smile on his face.

"What is your favorite magazine?" That was the first question that had popped in my head. I was wondering what his answer would be to that. Most guys that I knew didn't read magazines unless Playboy counted.

"The New Yorker," he said instantly. I had to admit I was surprised at this answer and also impressed.

"What is one of your favorite bands?"

I had to think about that one for a few seconds. I was a total music addict, my i-pod was my best friend. I rarely went anywhere without having it on me. I bit my lip, thinking about the last thing I had put on it.

"I love the Kooks," I finally said and watched as his eyes lit up. Just then the waitress came with our shake and it had two straws. It was topped with a load of whip cream with a cherry on top. She smiled at us as she set it down in the middle of the table. I watched as she set two straws down before she left us alone. I looked towards Dan, taking a deep breath," Do you want the cherry?"

He shrugged, reaching to take it from the whip cream. He looked at it for a few seconds before looking back at me," You can have it if you want it." He was obviously doing his best to be polite. I shook my head at him, figuring it would be nice of me to let him have it. I watched as he bit the cherry but held onto the stem.

I reached to take the stem from him,"Want to see a trick?" He nodded and I popped the stem into my mouth. I began to move my tongue around, a focused look on my face. A few seconds passed before I reached to pull it out. I showed him that I had managed to put the stem in a knot using my tongue.

"One of my friends taught me, it apparently means you are a very good kisser," i explained, setting it down on a nearby napkin. He laughed a little, nodding," I bet there is a better way I can find that out for myself."

"And what way would that be?" I teased, already having the feeling I knew. He slowly began to move closer, he looked nervous. He reached to place his hand behind my neck, cupping it. His other hand went to my lower back as I reached to cup his face in my hands. We both began to lean in and soon his lips were pressed to mine.

The kiss was nothing like the one that Chuck had forced on me. It was slow, sweet and gentle but all the same addicting. I felt Dan's hold on me tightening as I sank into the kiss, my eyes drifting shut. It was absolutely perfect and one of the best kisses I had ever had. I suddenly heard the sound of footsteps and then an all too familiar voice," Well well well slumming it Little E?"

Dan broke the kiss, I looked to see Blair standing in front of the table. I had an annoyed look on my face as I pulled away from Dan. She had three girls behind her, all of them dressed a like and their phones out. I shrugged, slowly standing up," Couldn't come up with any better insults B?"

Her eyes narrowed at what I called her," Only my friends get to call me that." I shrugged, walking towards her with my hands on my hips," Does it look like that matters? I understand that you feel threatened because Chuck clearly has shown an interest in me but don't think I am going to let you walk all over me." Her friends all gasped, shocked at how I was speaking to their leader.

"Now you can take your little followers and leave," I waved for her to go, dismissing her which I was sure no one else had done. She opened her mouth, closed it and then opened it again only to close it. I smirked as she and her three friends hurried away from the table.
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Hope you guys like it. And please leave us some love and tell my co-author that her chapters are amazing!
