Band Aid Only Covers the Bullet Hole

Chapter Two

I propped my elbow up on the bar, resting my forehead against my hand, and listened to Hannah talking to this Frank guy. I didn't know what was up with him, you don't lie for someone whose trying to pick pocket you because 'you don't like cops'. I'm sure there'd be some kind of catch or something, he hardly looked like a saint. Not that I was one to talk.

I shifted my weight, the bar stool squeaking, making my faint headache slightly worse. I let my eyes wander around around the room. From the dirty ceiling, to where the wallpaper was peeling in the corners of the walls, then to the group of men -including the cop - who were now getting up from their seats and leaving. As the cop passed, he gave me a threatening look, and I raised my eyebrow at him, as if I were just bored, before looking back over to Hannah and Frank.

Frank seemed to be watching the cop's back intently as he left, and then when he was out and gone, he looked back to Hannah, and then to me.

"So, obviously you girls need money. How about making a little cash if you do me a favor?"

"Uhm, excuse me, I don't know who you think you are, we're not whores." I snapped at him, glaring.

He gave a small laugh, which was uncharacteristically high-pitched.

"That's not exactly what I had in mind." He said, reaching into his pocket. Oh yeah, he makes that look so easy.

"I've got to take care of, but there's a slight problem." He took a drag from another cigarette. "You see, I can't be seen anywhere near where this said business is to happen."

"What kind of business?" Hannah asked him, her eyes narrowed.

He pulled a bag of weed out of his pocket, and smiled at her. "Just a little delivery."

"Why would you trust us to do that? How do you know we wouldn't just take that for ourselves?" I challenged him.

He blew a puff of smoke out, and leaned closer to me, lowering his voice to barely above a whisper. "Just because I can't be seen there, doesn't mean that I don't know what's going on. I know everything that happens around here. Now you may try and run, but I will find you, and when I do, I promise you, you're not going to be very happy."

I looked at Hannah, who gave me a slight shrug.

"Alright.." I said, and he smiled.

"Just tell them Iero sent you." He wrote an address down on a piece of paper, and handed it to Hannah, along with the weed, and the two of us got up from the bar. "If you don't fuck this up, there might be more work, if you're interested."

I nodded, and we turned to leave.

"And remember what I said." he called after us, as we left.


"I can't believe we agreed to this." I told Hannah, walking down a deserted street where the only light was a flickering lamp on the side of a building.

"Yeah, but what have we got to lose?" She said, putting her hands in her pockets.

"True, You should cut me a little slack, though. I'm a pick pocket, not a drug dealer."

She gave a little sniff of laughter, and we continued to walk down the dingy street.

"This is it." She said, stopping in front of a little house, with busted windows, and the paint chipping, that was visible even in the dark. We hesitantly approached the house, and knocked. We could plainly hear the people inside, and then someone finally came to the door.

"Yeah?" he said looking at us skeptically. He looked about twenty or so. His clothes were dirty, and his greasy hair fell around his face.

"Iero sent us." Hannah said, and his expression changed.

"Come in, come in." He said quickly, and we stepped through the doorway, and he shut the door. The inside didn't look much better than the outside. The floors were dirty, and there was trash everywhere, and it was so cluttered you could barely move.

He walked over to someone sitting on the couch and said something to him. The guy on the couch nodded, and pulled money out of his pocket, and handed it to the greasy haired guy who'd opened the door. He came back over to us, and exchanged it with Hannah.

"Tell Iero I said hey." He said, and then opened the door for us.

"Will do." Hannah said, and then we left. Just like that.

"That was it?" I said, as we got back on the street.


"Well, that was easy.."

"Yeah, it was." She said, and we headed back to the motel.