Band Aid Only Covers the Bullet Hole

Chapter Four

Frank was standing outside his hotel room, leaning against the wall, a cigarette in his mouth and a wad of cash he was counting in his hands. I was watching Hannah absentmindedly scuff her shoes on the ground, trying hard not to look at the money in Frank's hands. I wanted to just snatch it from him and run, which I probably could have pulled off with almost anyone besides Frank.

"So, are we going to ever see any of our money, Iero?" I asked him, crossing my arms. Hannah looked up at me, and gave me a disapproving look. She didn't think I should cross Frank, but I don't care. It's not like he's God.

"I'm paying for your hotel bills, aren't I?" He said out of the side of his mouth, holding his cigarette between his teeth, not even looking up at me.

I scoffed, and Frank looked up to give me a death glare for a full three seconds, before going back to his counting. Psh, I'm surprised he can even count without using his fingers.

"And if I did give you money, you might leave." Frank said, after a few seconds.

"Yeah I forgot, Iero needs us to do his dirty work so he can sit on his ass all the time and smoke."

"Shut-up." Hannah hissed, elbowing me hard in the ribs.

"Look, you know what, I do more work in a day than you do in a month, so you just need to shut the fuck up, and stop being such a little bitch." He said, annoyed. He took the stub that was left of his cigarette from his mouth and threw it down at my feet. I went to kick it back at him, but Hannah stepped on it grinding it into the ground.

"What the fuck is your problem?" she said quietly to me.

"Look, Hannah, we've already gotten a death threat, and you think if that guy did come do something, that Frank here is going to give a shit about us?" I snapped at her, not bothering to keep my voice down.

"What? Someone threatened you?" Frank said, sticking the money in his pocket, and lighting another cigarette.

"Some guy said if we didn't get you to show up, we weren't going to live to see next Sunday." Hannah said.

"What'd he look like?" Frank asked, furrowing his eyebrows.

"Really tall, and really skinny, long hair-"

"Kinda resembles a skeleton." Hannah added to my sentence.

"Ah." He laughed, and blew out a puff of smoke. "I should've guessed. Look, don't worry about him, he's full of shit, he wouldn't hurt a fly."

"Well, that's good to know." Hannah said crossing her arms. She was probably pissed about that little bruise on her shoulder. I mean, I don't blame her, but he did only just grab her shoulder. It was his lack of meat on his bones to keep them from stabbing into her skin that gave her the bruise. It's not completely his fault. Well, it could be I guess, maybe he's anorexic. I don't know.

Frank gave another small laugh. "I guess he would be mad at me, wouldn't he."

"Why?" Hannah asked, curiously. I expected Frank to tell her to fuck off and mind her own business as he would have if I'd asked him something like that, but no, he just loves Hannah. He only hates me. Fucker.

"Pot isn't exactly his drug of choice, but I haven't had what he wants for him - until this morning actually - so I've been uh.. avoiding him a little." He said scratching the side of his unshaven face. I was going to take a small guess that 'this morning' was more like three or four in the afternoon.

"Oh.." Hannah said, letting her arms fall back to her sides.

"I thought you only dealt weed." I said, cocking my head to the side.

He laughed. "That's a little high school, isn't it?"

"She wouldn't know, she was too busy blackmailing her teachers during the small amount of high school we actually attended."

"Our teachers, Hannah." I corrected her.

"Yeah whatever, not that it ended up making a difference anyway."

"Ungrateful much?" I sighed.

"Could you two shut-up? I don't like listening to you talk so much."

Fuck you, Iero. Go jump off of something, and die while you're at it.