Status: in progress

Two Brothers

chapter three

"We're taking the red car." Stefan said, reminding me that I was still in the company of a kidnapping vampire's brother. I looked up at him. He was pointing toward the red porsche, the only red vehicle in the garage.

I gave a short laugh with no real humor. "Why am I not surprised that the red porsche is Damon's?" Red seemed to be a favorite color with the vampire.

Stefan made an expression that was halfway between a smile and getting kicked in the knee. "Actually, all these are Damon's. I just thought the red one would be a less conspicuous."

I raised an eyebrow at Stefan. "You might want to rethink that." I smirked a little. "A porsche is kinda noticable."

Stefan smiled for a moment. "I suppose you're right." I stared at his blue eyes. There was no way his eyes could be that blue. A vampire thing, maybe? "Should we go?" His eyes searched mine.

I looked away. I'm a kidnappee, I reminded myself. I am not flirting with my kidnapper's brother. He is not even remotely flirting back.

I tried not to look directly at Stefan since he was definately not helping the situation of me forgetting that I was probably still in danger. "Yeah. Home." I tried to ignore a certain breathlessness to my voice.

I walked just a bit in front of Stefan and touched the side of the red porsche. The cold metal of the door handle chilled my fingers. I got the feeling that Stefan would have opened the door for me if I hadn't reached the door before him. I pulled the door open and slid onto the porsche's black leather seats. Stefan closed my door for me before I could. I settled uncomfortably into the porsche's cold leather seats, my shorts offering no protection from the cold. Stefan entered the porsche from the driver's side, and I buckled myself in. He started the car and the engine revved impressively.

I wondered if Gerry would believe me if I told him about the vampire brothers and their amazing garage filled with expensive sports cars. Probably not, since I wouldn't even believe it if I wasn't living it.

Stefan opened the garage door with a button on the visor and the car crept forward into the sunlight.

"So... you and Damon are vampires." I felt like an idiot, stating the obvious.

Stefan nodded, keeping his eyes on the road. We stopped at the end of the driveway and pulled onto the street.

"How are you able to go out in the sun?" I asked, curious despite my situation.

Stefan didn't say anything for a moment and I wasn't sure if he was going to answer me at all. "Not all of the vampire myths are true." He said at last.

"So which ones are?"

Stefan smiled wryly. "Lets just get you home, okay?" I took that as a dismissal to all vampire-related questions.

"Okay." The road we were on looked famililar. I thought it looked like a section on the other side of town from my home filled mostly with mansion-type homes and large boarding houses. The mayor lived just down the block from where we were now.

"So do you live here?" It seemed odd that two vampire brothers could live in my town.

"Sometimes." Stefan admitted. "I move around a lot."

"With your brother?" It didn't seem like they were on good terms with each other so I didn't think they would live together.

"Not if I can help it." Stefan said tensely.

"So do you know where I live?" We were headed in the right direction, which struck me as strange. How would Stefan know where I lived when I hadn't told him?

Stefan slowed the car slightly. "Oh... No, I don't"

I nodded, looking at his face closely. I was pretty sure he was lying. "Just keep heading straight until we reach the tracks, then take a right on Washington." I told him. I lived one street over, on Gilman. Stefan stared straight ahead, giving nothing away.

I am not a fan of awkward silences, but after I realized that Stefan somehow knew where I lived, I found that I had nothing more to say. And since Stefan was the strong, silent type I figured the next four minutes would be of the silent type also.

I stared out the window at the lawns and homes and people out walking. I thought I recognized a two girls standing and laughing by the library. They were from my archery club. I tried to think of their names. The one with the longer hair was Lana? Or Lara? Leah maybe? I was pretty sure the shorter one was Sarah Peterson but I couldn't be positive from this angle.

I started to wave, then Stefan's voice stopped me. "I'm sorry for what Damon did to you." I stared at Stefan. His eyes stayed glued to the road.

"It's not your fault." We crossed the train tracks then, the jolt startling me. Stefan turned the porsche onto Washington Street and slowed the car to a stop.

"Where do you want me to drop you off?" Oh yeah, he definately knew this wasn't my street. I felt kind of sorry for him. It really wasn't his fault his brother was a jerk. And a vampire...

"I actually live on Gilman. It's one street over. It's the only white house on the block." I admitted. Stefan looked at me for the first time since he started driving and smiled a little. He inspected me with his insanely blue eyes.

"I think I know where that is." He started driving again.
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super short, I know. I'm just really busy with summer stuff right now. outdoors time, people! I'll trytrytry to update more often :)