Porcelain Heart


I hated him….I hated him with all my life for so many reasons. Like how he could just let me leave like that and no even say good bye, why he never answered any of my calls that I managed to sneak, or why he just didn’t seem to love me anymore. I tried to shake that as I approached Aro and the others who didn’t seem quite happy with me but fuck if I cared.
“Joanna, it’s so good to finally have you back” Marcus said not even truly caring about me. I brushed him off and walked over to Aro, bowing quickly before I walked up to him.
“Aro, I am sick of this constraint that you constantly force me in! I want to be able to live where I want” I demanded folding my arms. Aro laughed loudly as he stood up causing his guards to grab me, but he ushered them away.
“Now dear, why would I do that?” he said with a smile.
“Because if you wish to keep me happy and working for you, you best allow me to do what I wish” I pouted. Aro basically brushed me off and sent me to my room like a little child, and I knew all too well that if I disobeyed I would be in serious trouble. I stormed up to my room and took a nice long bath before climbing into my extremely comfy bed and fell fast asleep. I purposely refrained my information on my client to use it as leverage to get my half freedom. I knew from the beginning that I would never be truly free from the Volturi, no one ever is, not even Carsile…

The next morning nothing really happened just like any other day in this dump… I wound up cutting and dying Heidi’s hair and then keeping Caius company on a long and annoying stroll where he talked to me like I was his sister or something, trying to carry a normal conversation with me.
“Caius, I really wish to live back home” I said after a few minutes of silence.
“Well I still have to discuss the matter with Aro” Caius said not even truly caring.
“What if I have something to bargain it with?” I questioned stopping and turning to face him. Caius stopped abruptly and looked at me with a strange face that I particularly didn’t like. Suddenly Anthendora came over and kissed her husbands cheek before smiling at me lightly.
“Caius dear, Chelsea wishes to speak with us” she coed and brushed him away before I had the chance to offer my bargain. Sighing heavily, I wasn’t sure what to do next so I went down to the garden area where Sulpicia, Aro’s wife, spent most of her days enjoying the aroma of the most rare flowers and plants.
“Hello dear” Sulpicia greeted with a half smile as she was preparing a bouque of flowers for Aro no doubt. I was amazed at how kind she was to me, I knew she didn’t like me very much, mainly because I was Aro’s new toy and he became so easily amused by me.
“Hello” I replied bowing slightly before my eyes caught a crazy looking plant, which I began to reach for since it looked fuzzy.
“I wouldn’t do that if I were you, it’s a very poisonous plant and since you’re not full vampire you might die” she said with her back to me. I lingered around there making small talk with Sulpicia until I became bored once again.

“You look so bored dear child” Demitri said as he sat down next to me in the ballroom.
“I am” I said lying on the floor twirling a flower from the garden in between my fingers. I invited him to lie down next to me but apparently he preferred to sit. I sat there with Demitri for hours where he gave me some more insight on all the members and gave me more reason to why I was treated so carefully and hated by some. Suddenly the doors came swinging open and a frantic Heidi grabbed me tightly by the arm and stood me up.
“Quick, you must hurry, there is a shifter in town and I fear he is searching for you. The sun has just set so Jane and some others went out to kill him” She informed me as she dragged me down the hall. I was trying to figure out who it was as I slipped out into the night; Paul didn’t even know where I was. I quickly made my way through the town trying to find either the wolf or Jane, when suddenly I caught the purely blissful scent of HIM. My legs went even fast as I kept fallowing the scent that soon mixed with Jane’s and the others until finally I came across Paul convulsing on the ground with Jane and some other guard circling around him. Without a thought in my head my body collided with the guards causing Jane to snap out of it while Paul just laid there dazed for a few minutes realizing it was me and jumped back off.
“Stupid mutt” I heard Jane spit
“That’s my mutt” I growled crouching in front of Paul ready to cut Jane’s throat as she began hissing right back.
“Caius will not be very pleased with you” Jane smirked evilly taking a step forward.
“Oh shut up you little kiss ass” I spit. Just as I was about to rip her head off Demetri and Felix came to the scene grabbing both Jane and I while Alec and Afton tried to pin down Paul.
“No stop Paul!” I yelled looking back. Paul looked at me with a mix of anger and pain but he listened to me and sat down.
“Aro wishes to speak with you…and your pet” Felix said looking at him with fear and hate. Demetri laughed easing the situation and patted my head as I smiled up at him and spun around on his heals.
“Your pet must phase back first” Alec said.
“fine then, do you want to tell him?” I asked with a smirk. Alec looked at him with fear and then quick turned away and went back over to Jane who calmed her down. I lightly grabbed Paul by his flank pissed that he would even think of coming here as I blinked him and Demitri back to the mansion. I couldn’t help but to smile at the looks on the people as we entered the building and began our way to the chamber room.
“What the fuck were you thinking” I muttered as I swung open the chamber doors where everyone was placed carefully with Aro, Marcus, and Caius in their seats and Renta right in between them.
“Aro” I smiled lightly as I bowed to them and forced Paul to do so too.
“Well, well, well, isn’t this something” Aro said standing up and looking so fearfully and hatefully at Paul.
“Please forgive me Aro, I thought he knew not where to find me, just let him go” I begged taking a step forward.
“Dear child, you know what happens to all children of the moon and shifters” Aro said shaking his head. Suddenly out of the corner of my eye I saw Felix heading straight for Paul. I blinked in front of Paul and tossed him back where then another guard quickly grabbed me and held me down as Felix and Paul tussled until finally he hand Paul pinned down by his neck.
“PLEASE STOP!” I cried out turning in pure horror to Aro and the others who listened and called off Felix.
“I have done nothing but help you after you forced me into this slavery and done so much for you, I can also think of many times when not only him but his pack has helped you out so greatly. Should I mention James and Victoria?” I said raising a brow. Aro looked back to Ciaus who was the one who used to hunt and kill wolves to their extinction.
“What do you think?” Aro asked turning to Ciaus.
“Child, tell me what you began to speak of about your freedom earlier today?” Caius asked leaning forward a bit in his seat.
“I know of a coven that is after to exterminate the Volturi, this person has a plan and he asked for my help” I sated debating weather or not it was a good thing to say. Suddenly gasp and wild faces came from everyone in the room.
“Tell me more child” Aro demanded.
“I don’t know much, I went back to my house a while ago to find my human maid dead and a letter was left for me asking for my services. So I called this person back and he explained to me my job and the excellent pay and I agreed but I fear he thinks I really won’t” I explained. The faces on Aro, Marcus, and Caius was priceless as then looked me dead in the eye and I dared not to look away.
“You are sure of this?” Marcus asked now also leaning forward.
“Yes” I said simply bowing my head.
“We will talk about this privately, until then I want this mutt locked away, and everyone else…get out” Aro ordered. Some of the people stood there in shock causing Aro to scream for everyone to leave which caused me to jump. I went back up to my room to gather myself. I was honestly scared to death and I had no clue what was going to happen to Paul and I. I was really going to have to pull some miracles if I wanted the both of us to leave alive. I grabbed some clothes of Paul that I had to sleep in and carried them down to the jail room where I managed to convince the guard to allow me to speak with Paul.
I walked in the room and tossed the clothes on the floor and sat on the chair watching Paul phase and get dressed in silence until finally he turned to me and I couldn’t hold my tears any longer.
“Damn it Paul what the hell where you thinking! They might kill you!” I cried pounding on his chest. I knew he wanted to fight and yelled back at me, I wanted him to do so, so I could blame him, but instead he pulled me into his chest and held me tight.
“I never got to say I love you” Paul whispered, “and I will not loose you”