Status: Active



The sun began to set over the suburban houses, as it usually did around eight o’clock during the spring days. The heat was dying down slowly, approaching the comfortably warm temperature that most people enjoyed. Thoughts randomly brought themselves to my attention, as they usually did when I was alone, just thoughts invading and buzzing throughout my head. I sat cross legged on the porch swing lightly swaying back and forth, my laptop beside me closed keeping the internet out of my life. My phone buzzed, I looked down at the new message from Landon.
I snatched up my Blackberry before going to the messages folder. ‘Hey, I think I should come over, and I should bring my cousin.
Immediately I sent a reply, ‘As long as he’s cool he can come over.
I awaited the arrival of Landon and his so-called cousin. There’s a bit of a back story for Landon and I, we met in my freshman year of high school.
“Hi,” the lanky boy in the red and black button down flannel shirt approached me with a grin settled upon his perfectly chiseled face, I couldn’t help but stare at his bright green eyes, they took my attention. I scrambled to put myself back together in front of the handsome young man.
“Hey,” I spoke trying to play the whole staring thing off as if it never happened, it seemed to work. “I’m Taylor.”
“I’m Landon, I’m a sophomore here. I’m guessing you’re new since I’ve never seen you around here before.” He was exactly correct in the since that I was new here, in response I gave him a quick nod then avoiding eye contact by looking down at the folded piece of paper. He held his slim fingers out to see the paper; I tried not to acknowledge it. Until he uncomfortable stepped beside me, our arms brushing together lightly as he looked over my paper. “You want me to show you to your first class?”
“Yeah, that would be great. I have no clue where I’m going.” From then on Landon has kept me under his wing, he sat me down at his table at lunch. We would go to the park and he would play his guitar for me and we would swing and get dirty looks from the little kids.

You could say we had a pretty tight knit group of friends, Landon, Seth, Adam, and I. Landon was the music man of the group, Seth the fashionably tough guy, and Adam, the video game kid. I somehow seemed to fit into there, with my collection of owls and vintage cameras. I kept them all sane, as they would say.
Still, I sat comfortably on the porch swing waiting for Landon to arrive with said cousin. I thought about the fun times we’ve all had together. I kept thinking, about different things. Then it dawned to me, all the people I’m good friends with are older than me, even if it was by a day. I just got along with them better. They were more mature.
The familiar sleek black Lexus pulled into the drive. I felt giddy and excited inside, my heartbeat growing faster. I watched as Landon slid out of the driver’s side and a brunette man stepped out of the passenger’s side. He had a slight beard and short brown hair with a long fringe. Landon waved before walking up to the porch, taking a seat on the swing beside me. His cousin stood leaning against the porch railing. “So this is Aled, my cousin, Aled this is Taylor,” Landon introduced us formally. Aled sent me a swift smile and then looked off to the sunset.
“So, I hear you’re a photographer, is that right?” my head shot up my Aled’s direction, he was now looking back at me. His sweet English accent flowed through my ears as he let out a light chuckle.
“Yeah, I plan on going to the OCA in Sheffield,” I stated calmly.
Aled looked to me then to Landon. “Are you sure you two aren’t dating? Because she’s extremely beautiful and I don’t see how you haven’t ran after her yet.” I blushed shades of crimson and I felt as if I were on a high, his compliment was so sweet.
“I’m sure,” I could sense the embarrassment in his voice. “So, what are we doing tomorrow?”
“Why don’t we let the lovely lady decide?” Aled grinned gestured to me with his left hand. I blushed yet again.
“We have to get supplies for your graduation dance thing you want to have after my graduation,” I looked over to Landon whom was texting on his suave iPhone.
“That, we do.”
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Sorry about the whole using the same name in all my stories. That will be changed. Just not for this story. Comment and subscribe please! I also might take down my older stories!