Green Day Mystery

Chapter Two

Tre put the key card into the door and the door unlocked. Billie opened the door as Tre placed the key card back in his wallet, then back into his back pocket. Inside the room was dark and unusually cold.

“That’s weird. It’s only 8:15pm. Why is it so dark and cold?” comment Billie.

Mike carefully walked to the hallway and turned on the light, illuminating the hotel room interior. Tre shut the door to the room when the light was on.

“Something doesn’t feel right. Why didn’t they come racing out to us when the door opened? Or when the light turned on?” question Tre. “The light was off; Joey and Stella are afraid of the dark. The room is really cold; my kids are so picky about room temperature.”

“You’re right. And Jakob won’t go to sleep until he hears my voice and I tell him that I’m o.k.,” added Billie.

“Let’s go check their room. Maybe they are just hiding from us,” Mike said, hoping to convince himself that nothing happened to his little girl.

The men walked the few steps it took them to get from the main room to the bedroom that the Green Day kids were sharing. Tre opened the door and turned on the light. Inside, they didn’t find the kids. The bed where the girls slept was made; the mini-couch where Frankito slept was nice and neat; and the sleeping bags where Joey and Jakob slept were folded and out of the way.

“This isn’t like them. The room doesn’t look like a hurricane has been through it,” said Billie.

They turned to leave the room and began to walk back to the main room. Suddenly, they looked at each other and came to the realization that their kids were gone, most likely kidnapped. Without a word, they split up and began searching the hotel room for clues to their whereabouts. Billie, Mike and Tre found no clues, but they did find unusual things around the room that made them believe even more that the kids were kidnapped.

“Hey, Billie,” said Tre

“What?” answered Billie.

“Look at the jigsaw puzzle in the corner of the main room, on that black table from the tour bus. The puzzle pieces are all over the floor. Didn’t Joey and Jakob make a big deal about putting the unconnected pieces away last night?” questioned Tre.

“He’s right. They also made sure to put the smaller connected pieces in a plastic bag before they went to bed. I know this for a fact because they asked me to get a second bag for them,” Mike added.

“They also told me that they wouldn’t work on it for a couple of days. That’s why they put in the corner of the room, that corner, to be exact. I told them to put it on a table so it would be safer. I personally got that table from the bus last night.” Billie said. “Is it just me or does it look like the table was bumped? The puzzle box is knocked over, and I know that my kids would have never left a mess like that unless…”