Green Day Mystery

Chapter Four

“Well, we might as well do as he says,” Tre said as he got up from the floor. In his hands, he held Ramona’s jacket and cell phone. He walked to the kitchen and placed the items on the kitchen counter. “I’ll start in the kids’ bedroom. You two can finish in the main room.”

Billie and Mike looked at each other and sighed. They knew it was the only thing to do. Billie searched on the right side of the room while Mike looked on the left side of the room. They worked slowing and without talking to one another. They gathered up the evidence from the main room and placed the items next to Ramona’s black hooded jacket and her black and silver cell phone.

Meanwhile, in the children’s bedroom, Tre had found some interesting clues. In between the cushions of the small couch where Frankito slept, he found an envelope addressed to the Green Day kids, with a note on the outside that said: ‘Please deliver to the Green Day kids, room number 514, at exactly 5:30am, on April 1st, 2012’. When Tre opened up the envelope, there was nothing inside.

Another thing he noticed was that one of the pillows from the girls’ bed was missing. He ended up finding it under the bed. On the pillow case, there was a dark red smudge that looked to him like blood. Tre walked back into the main room, the empty envelope and pillow in his hands. He walked over to the kitchen counter with the items.

“Billie, Mike. Come look at the clues I found in their bedroom,” Tre said.

“5:30am. That’s about 10 minutes after we left this morning to get ready for the concert. Whoever kidnapped the kids must have been watching us and the kids and waiting for the perfect time to take them,” concluded Mike.

“Whoever did this wanted to hurt us as individuals not us as band. They waited for the only time that we weren’t around to protect them from harm. If somebody wanted to hurt us as a band, then they would have taken all of us, or at least one of us. No, they took our precious children; our babies; the true pride of our lives. This is a personal attack,” Billie explained.

“Dude, you’re right. This is a personal attack. Whoever…,” Mike’s voice was interrupted by a knock on the hotel door.

Tre walked over to the door and opened it. Outside was Jason, holding a notebook of paper and a hotel pen.

“Why did it take you so long to get back here? You were gone for almost 55 minutes,” said Billie. He tried to hold back the laugh that was creeping up his throat because it wasn’t the time for laugher.

“Do you know how hard it is to find blank paper in a hotel? I ended up looking in one of the tour buses for paper and, by chance, I found this notebook,” explained Jason. “Now, what did you three find while I was gone?”

“Well, we were just talking about that,” said Mike.

“I found this envelope where Frankito sleeps. There was nothing inside it,” Tre said, as he handed it to Jason. “Under the girls’ bed, I found this pillow. Look at the red smudge. I think that it’s blood, and if it is, then it may imply that the kids were attacked by their kidnapper.”

“One can only hope that the injury was taken care of,” Jason said. “What did you two find?”

“On the left side of the main room, I found this chain near the heater, air conditioner thingy,” said Mike.

“That’s Joey’s. I know for a fact that it belongs to him. It doesn’t have the clip where it is supposed to attach to his pants anymore,” Billie said. “Let me see it Mike. See, look at this end, it has some dried super glue on it from when he tried to glue the clip part back on. When that idea didn’t work, he asked me to buy him a new one, but I told him to put a safety pin through the last chain link and attach it to his belt loop like that. The safety pin must have broken off when…they were being taken.”

“Did you find anything else Mike?” asked Jason.

“ Yeah, I did,” Mike whispered.

“Well, what is it? I can’t help you find your kids unless you give me all the clues you found,” said Jason.

Tears started to fall from Mike’s eyes. He opened up his right hand palm and revealed a necklace. The chain was silver in color and the charm hanging from it was a skull with crossbones, like that of the poison symbol or on a pirate flag. The only difference was the eyes on the skull were heart shaped instead of circular.

“I gave this to my daughter last Christmas. I have the same necklace,” Mike said as he pulled the necklace out from under his shirt. “I told her that we would never be apart as long as she wore it. I never told her that I had the same necklace… I wish I did…now.”

“Mike, that is so sweet. I never knew you had such a sensitive side,” said Jason.

“Jason, my birth mom, my adoption mom, my sister, and my ex-wife never really loved me, so they left me. Stella loves me, she tells me everyday and I’ve heard the words ‘I love you’ so many times that I know when it is real or not,” Mike said, though his tears. “Why do you think I call her ‘Hero’? Because of her, I know that there is a female out there that loves me and will never leave me. She saved me from a painful life of heartbrokenness. Stella is my hero. I promised to protect her, and now she’s gone and she doesn’t even have the necklace I gave her to connect her to me…”

“Hey, calm down. I know this is hard, but I will find your kids. I won’t rest until they are back with you guys safety,” said Jason reassuringly. “Did you find any more clues?”

Mike shook his head ‘no’ has he wiped the fallen tears from his face.

“What about you, Billie? Did you find anything?” asked Jason.

“I searched the right side of the main room. I found Jakob’s Rubix cube under the recliner chair. It’s still scrabbled and Jakob hates leaving his cube unsolved. I also found Frankito’s Game Boy Advance under the pile of cushions in the middle of the room. It was still on,” Billie said as he put the items on the kitchen counter. “None of us could hear the music because the sound was muted by the cushions.

“Just out of curiosity, why was there cushions in a pile in the middle of the room?” asked Jason.

“I don’t know. Maybe, before the kids were taken, they were all in the main room. Jakob was in the recliner because that would explain why his Rubix cube was found under it. Joey must have been standing near the heater, air conditioner thing…” started Tre.

“Wait just a minute. Before we recreating the scene of the kidnapping, we need a list of suspects,” said Jason.