Green Day Mystery

Chapter Five

“Suspects?” questioned Billie.

“Yes. Suspects. You know, somebody who has a motive and opportunity to do the crime,” explained Jason.

I know what a suspect is Jason. It’s just…I can’t even begin to think of who could of done this to us,” The volume of Billie’s voice began to rise. “WHAT DID OUR KIDS DO TO DESERVE THIS?!?!”

“Hey, lower your voice. It’s 10:07pm. People are asleep. Do you want to wake them up? I don’t think they will be as sympathetic toward you and your kids being kidnapped if you rudely wake them up at this hour,” Jason said.

“Yeah, you’re right. I’ll be quieter,” Billie said in a voice that was barely audible.
“Well, maybe not that quiet,” said Jason. “Um…did your kids have any…enemies…that would want to hurt them?” He continued after a couple seconds. “Are any names coming to mind? At all?

Billie, Mike, and Tre shook their heads ‘no’ before Jason continued asking questions.

“Do you three have enemies that would want to hurt you guys like this?”

Again, Green Day shook their heads ‘no’.

“O.k, so you three have no idea who would do kidnap you kids?” asked Jason.

“Well, About 11 years ago when were on the Pop-Disaster tour with blink-182, I remember Travis Barker, their drummer, saying that he would kidnap our kids because we didn’t deserve such angelic children,” said Mike.

“I remember that. I think he was drunk when he said that. But it doesn’t make a difference, does it? The fact is he said it so…he’s a suspect,” said Tre.

“A couple of night ago, I was talking to M. Shadows, that lead singer of Avenged Sevenfold. I told him how great our kids and stuff. He told me that he was envious of us and how he wished his kids were as amazing as our kids,” Billie said.

“Do you think that he would kidnap our kids,” asked Mike.
“I don’t know…maybe,” responded Billie.

“Hey, both blink-182 and Avenged Sevenfold had a performance in the Live Aid concert, which means that they had access to the hotel room because all the musical artists had received a room in this hotel,” added Jason. “What other artists’ knew your kids? Maybe they had a part in their kidnapping.”

“Before we went on stage for the concert, I heard a stage hand asking another stage hand about when Frank Iero of My Chemical Romance was going to show up. I guess he hadn’t shown up after our concert because I saw the other four members of the band and he wasn’t with them,” said Tre.

“What connections does he have with your kids?” asked Jason.

“A couple years ago, when we were on tour with My Chemical Romance Frank tried to take Frankito from the Green Day bus. We had the kids and their mothers for a couple days because we had a touring break and they came up to see us. Frank was going through a rough divorce. Frankito was the same age as his son, Rocket. He became so obsessed over Frankito that he offered to take him for a couple days. I told him no but he didn’t like that answer. Frank tried to take Frankito by force but Frankito told him that he didn’t want to go with him. Ever since then, whenever I see him, he always asked me if I’m tried of having a son,” explained Tre.

“Dude, I remember that. Maybe he kidnapped Frankito, but ended up having to take the rest of the kids to keep them from telling on him,” concluded Mike.

In the hallway outside the hotel room that Green Day and Jason were in, there was a huge crash. After the crash, there was a loud uproar of laughter and screaming. Billie stood up, walked to the room door, opened it, and looked down the hall. He saw Avril Lavigne and her husband’s band, Sum 41, were running down the hall and throwing guitars and random drum kit parts everywhere. Billie rolled his eyes and shut the door. He walked back to Mike, Tre, and Jason. Billie told them what he saw in the hallway that caused the loud disturbances.

“THEY DID IT!” yelled Tre.

“Who did what now?” Mike asked.

“Avril Lavigne and Sum 41 kidnapped our kids,” explained Tre.

“That accusation doesn’t have anything to do with the fact that you hate Avril Lavigne, does it?” asked Billie.

“Hey, we need to suspect EVERYONE. Maybe her or her husband read that one article where I totally make fun of her and her fakeness and they decided to get revenge on me, but ended up kidnapping all of the kids,” Tre explained in an all-to-happy-tone. “She must have gotten Sum 41 to help her. Yeah, that’s what happened; because there is no way her tiny little brain could figure out a way to kidnap our kids.”

“Alright, fine. Both Avril Lavigne and Sum 41 are suspects in the mysterious disappearance of the Green Day kids,” sighed Jason.

“So…now what do we do? We have our clues and our suspects. How do we prove who kidnapped the kids and what they did with them?” asked Mike.

“Considering that it is 12:19 am now, I think the best option is to wait until morning and begin asking people if they saw our suspects acting weird or suspicious yesterday. From there, I think that we will be able to form ideas about who did the kidnapping,” said Jason. “Try to relax and get some sleep. We’ll find the kids tomorrow.”