She's Just Another Girl Like The Others, Not Going To Change For A Thing.


Chapter One :

His :

Diamond Rains. Sounds Beautiful, but never is, this creature whispered, her nails trailing across my cheek, cupping it. At first I thought I saw love in her eyes, but then I realized there could be no love in those eyes, they were pure hate, evil. Those eyes held no guilt for the thousands she has killed, and millions her people have.

I slid my bookmark into my great grandfathers old journal my dad have given me as ‘a key to vampire slaying’ as he said. Our family is known as the best vampire hunters of all time, and the mention of our name sends horror through the veins of a vampire.

I thought about what that vampire had said to my grandfather, it made absolutely no sence.

If it started raining diamonds everything would be great. I felt a hand on my shoulder and spun around to see my grandfather in his wheelchair, looking at his old journal that had been passed down and chucked, looking at the page.

“That old quote.” He smiled as if the mixture of blood was a good memory as I looked at him strangely.

“What does it mean ?” I asked him, suddenly curious. He didn’t look at me, as if he was in a flashback.

“She was a beautiful girl. That just happened to be a vampire.” I crinkled my nose in disgust. No vampire, let alone a bleeding one that made no sense , is beautiful. “I saw her standing in the shadows, crying as I walked up to her, as if to be an aid in comfort. She looked at me, deep in my eyes, her twinkling blue eyes wet with tears. At the time I had no idea she was a vampire. Until she asked me to push her into the sun, she said she was afraid of the sun. That’s when I realized she was a bloodsucker. I shoved her on the pavement in the sun, as her skin started burning. I pulled out a stake and was about to stab her, until she grabbed my cheek and whispered ‘Diamond Rains. Sounds Beautiful, but never is’ and died. At first, I was upset, and angry. She was playing mind games with me. She was a killer, and she died. “ he seemed to come out of his trance and finally looked at me “but if I could do anything, anything to take back that day, I would.”

“Why would you take it back ?” I asked, suddenly curious. I remembered when my grandfather would call vampire hunting a sport.

“Because, she wan’t a killer. Her eyes were blue. Not blood red. She was holding out on feeding as long as she could. And, what she said. Diamond rains, she was referring to vampire slayers. We thing diamond rains, or vampire slayers are doing good in this world, but really, if it rained diamonds too big, they would shatter and kill humans, or hurt them. Vampire slayers think they are doing good, but vampires are people, just as you and I.” He said, nodding. I looked at him confused.

“But hunting is a sport.” A loud rumble of chuckling came from grandfathers thought.

“You have much to learn then young one.” And he wheeled out.

Her :

I took a bite into my rare steak and when nobody was looking sucked as much blood out of it as possible. When it was dry of blood, I dropped it on my plate and sighed.

Patty looked across the table at me, sighing saddened by the years. Since I was nine years old I have lived with Patty, when I was bit. I turned into a vampire, went home and sucked my parents dry. And they became vampires. And then they decided we could live normally as vampires, but always looked down on me.

Then Patty came along. She was my Social Study’s teacher when I was eleven, two years later. And she was also a slayer.

I was always her favorite student, and our parents knew each other well, she was my old babysitter. But when she heard from her partner that he had killed two vampires, and was looking for there kid, she told me what she was.

Then me being my idiot self, I burst into tears and told her that he had killed my parents and I was the kid.

She, thank god, took my side in the matter, knowing me. She always had thought vampires were bad, and some are, but I wan’t. So she told her partner she had killed the kid and decided to be my guardian.

And three years later I am sitting at my 15Th birthday dinner, with Patty and her husband Rob.

Patty seemed to adapt to living with a vampire almost instantly. She even cooked my food raw, or got Rob to get some blood from the hospital, because he was a brain surgeon. But Rob…well lets say he still doesn't take it well. He has a cross hanging on his bedroom door and every week or so sprinkles garlic around the floor by his room.

My nose burns when I do so little as walk by it.

Only if he knew that I could die from garlic.

Actually, when I asked him to remove it I didn’t have time to explain why before he was waving Pattys old stake at me. It is seriously getting to me.

Next year, when I’m 16 I am moving out of here, its oblivious that I don’t belong here.

“Well, this dinner has been great, and I am so happy that your happy Brook, but you better be getting off to bed, its midnight..” Pattys voice broke the awkward silence.

I nodded and picked up all three of the plates and dumped the remains of my dry steak in the trash, but before I could put them in the sink Patty took them from me.

“Darling, its your birthday. Let me.” She took them and I sighed, whispering a small thank you, and slipped down to the basement. At first, I got the sun room as my room, but just the name was enough to make me not even walk in before asking to sleep in the basement.

I jumped over the broken step on the stairs from one of my tantrums when I was younger and stripped out of my shirt and pants, leaving me in my shorts and black sports bra and climbed into my coffin, heated of course since I refused to use a blanket and Patty insisted I stay warm, even though I am always cold.

I closed my eyes and thought back to the years when I was human, and fell into a deep sleep.