Sequel: Slowly Falling Apart
Status: Active

Slowly Dying Alone

Payton's First Morning

second banner made by C'est Moi C:

second banner made by My heart slows down;

banner made by sober heart;

banner made by My heart slows down;

banner made by C'est Moi C:

banner made by ShellyVengence

.....“Oaf,” Payton said as someone bounced onto her. She heard a giggle and opened her eyes to see her brother on top of her.

.....“Since when have you been so heavy, Jer?” Payton asked with a smile as she sat up. Jeremiah once again giggled and looked back at Frankie. Payton also looked and gave Frankie a smile. “Morning Frankie,” she said.

.....“Morning,” he also said. He then ran out of the room. Payton looked back at her brother.

.....“Did you sleep okay?” she asked with concern. Jeremiah had been suffering from bad dreams for as long as Payton could remember.

.....“No, I had a bad dream, but Kylie said, mommy is in here,” Jeremiah pulled Payton’s hand on top of his heart. “She says as long as I feel here, mommy will always be with me,” Jeremiah had a huge smile on his face as he told Payton everything. Payton smiled at the kind words that Kylie had told her brother.

.....“How does Kylie know?” Payton asked curiously.

.....“She says, her mommy is in her heart too,” Jeremiah said excitedly. Payton quickly got out of bed.

.....“Oh, hey Jer, why don’t you wait for me in the kitchen,” Payton asked, knowing that she needed to get dressed. Jeremiah nodded and quickly ran out of the room, closing the door behind him. Payton quickly got dressed in her usual jeans, a ‘We the Kings’ band shirt, and her flip-flops. She then walked over to the vanity sitting in her new room and pulled out one of her ribbons. Payton always has ribbons in her hair. They were something that her mother loved to do, and since her mother’s death, Payton has felt the need to keep her mother’s memory alive. Payton tied the red ribbon, which matched some of the red in her band tee, and then pulled the bow around so it was sitting against her neck. Payton then lightly applied some mascara and lip gloss, because she hated using anything else. After doing a once over on her looks Payton took to the door, to meet her brother in the kitchen.

.....Payton ran out the door and quickly ran into a hard form. She was about to fall back when someone reached out and took her into their arms. Payton gasped as she looked up into Joe’s perfectly chocolate eyes. Joe’s gave a soft smile, but Payton saw a hard look hiding behind the smile.

.....“Oh Joe, I’m so sorry,” Payton said, as Joe pulled her up, closer to his chest.

.....“It’s my fault,” Joe said, “I was angry at someone else and wasn’t looking.” Payton nodded in understanding.

.....“Do you want to talk about it? My brother James has always said that I am a good listener,” Payton commented with a soft smile. Joe smiled back.

.....“I would like that,” Joe said. “Maybe we could go out for a latte later?” he asked with some hope in his voice.

.....“Maybe, if I can get someone to watch my brother,” Payton said as she looked down at Joe’s arms, which were strangely still wrapped around her waist. Joe also looked and quickly removed his arms from her waist. Payton took a small step back, to give them some space, and looked back up at Joe.

.....“I’m sure I can get Nick and Kylie to watch him. Jeremiah already seems taken with Kylie,” Joe said after some thought.

.....“I’ll ask them,” Payton said instead. “I wanted to talk to Kylie anyways. I want to thank her for what she told my brother,” Payton commented after seeing Joe’s curious look.

.....“Yeah, Kylie’s been great, she’s really like the little sister that I never had,” Joe said with a pleased smile.

.....“Although it’s clear that your brother doesn’t view Kylie as a sister,” Payton said with a smirk. Joe laughed and gave a teasing smile.

.....“I know, they clearly like each other, and I don’t think it will be long before Nick makes his move,” Joe said. His face suddenly became grim. “I don’t know what he will do if he loses her,” he then added.

.....“Is she that sick?” Payton asked with concern.

.....Joe sighed as he thought about the question. “I don’t honestly know now sick Kylie is, but I do know that she has been fighting this disease since she was thirteen, and has already been in remission once. According to my mom if this round doesn’t work, then Kylie has to go on the bone marrow registry. It might be hard to find her a match since she has no living family left, but mom is hoping that fans will be willing to get tested,” Joe explained.

.....“I’d be willing to put myself down on the list if it’s needed,” Payton said with a smile.

.....“Pay-Pay, come on, I’m hungry,” Jeremiah said as he called up the stairs. Payton sighed and looked down the hall.

.....“I better go feed him, he gets cranky without breakfast,” Payton said with a smile.

.....“Well what do you know, I’m the same way,” Joe said with a teasing smile. Payton laughed as Joe held out his hand, “May I?” he asked in a fake British accent. Payton smiled as she placed her hand into his.

.....“Wow that had to be the worst fake accent that I have ever heard,” Payton said with a teasing smile. Joe just laughed as he led her downstairs and into the kitchen. As they passed the living room Payton saw a girl, who was very busted up, glaring at her. It made Payton shiver, but she didn’t ask Joe who the girl was.
♠ ♠ ♠
Just wanted to give an update on the story that I am writing with xSimplyxMadxHatterx!

We've changed the name from L.H. Relationships to Praying for Makenzie Gray. The story plot has also changed a little, and will be out soon. I am still working out all the bugs, and my partner is working on the Lyrics for the story! So be on the lookout for the story, should be out within the next month or two!

Thanks to:

mama-val -- I know I love them too! Probably the reason for why I have two kids. lol. Makenna today was just full of happiness, trying to laugh, and making those adorable baby cooing noises, it just made my heart burst!

HappySadGirl17 -- Hey, I sent you a message, so check your inbox! But thank you for the comment! I love writing, so it is great when others see what I love!

Breathless Tallie -- Thank you so much for your comment! I loved the idea too, and originally, they weren't going too, but then I realized that the Jonas family are kind people, and they would have done something like this, and so it molded my story in a way!!