Sequel: Slowly Falling Apart
Status: Active

Slowly Dying Alone

Kylie's Strange Visit

banner by Falling.Down

Kylie was disappointed as the mail cart passed her for the three week in a row. She had been hoping for another letter from Nick, but knew that there was a chance that he would not want to talk to her anymore. Maybe it hadn’t of been a sign after all. One of the head nurses then walked into Kylie’s room with a smile. Kylie eyed her carefully to see if it was forced or real, but this nurse was good at hiding the fakes.

“I have some good news,” the nurse said. Kylie waited patiently, not saying a word. The nurse said nothing else, instead Kylie’s social worker walked into the room. She was also smiling, and Kylie was starting to get nervous.

“Kylie,” the social worker said with a nod.

“Miss Biddermen,” Kylie replied, eyeing her carefully.

“Kylie, I’ve had a family come into my office today. They are a well respected family and they want to take you into their home,” Miss Biddermen said with one of those ‘Aren’t-you-so-happy’ looks.

“Why would they want me? I’m nothing more then trouble for families,” Kylie said, thinking of her last family.

“They know all about your situation, they believe that they will be able to help you,” Miss Biddermen said. “Would you at least like to meet them?”

“Their here?” Miss Biddermen nodded, “Right now?” again Miss Biddermen nodded.

“All right then,” Kylie stated slowly, “I guess it never hurts to at least meet them.”

“That’s the spirit,” Miss Biddermen said as she got up. Kylie figured that the couple was out there, and she tried her best to prepare her heart. She didn’t want to end up liking the couple, only to have them send her back to the home. Soon Miss Biddermen walked back into the room and another couple followed her. They weren’t as young as Kylie thought they would be, but at first look, they seemed nice enough.

“Kylie, this is Paul and Denise Jonas,” Miss Biddermen said.

“Hello,” Kylie said politely. She knew the last name sounded slightly familiar, but she didn’t allow herself to search further for the answer.

“Kylie, we’ve heard a lot about you,” the man, Paul said.

“What made you want to take me of all the children out there?” Kylie asked.

“Well to be honest, we haven’t been looking into taking a foster care child, but we felt led to you, and that was something that we could not ignore,” Paul’s wife, Denise explained. Kylie nodded, she knew all about going with a gut feeling.

“Where do you live?”

“We live in Dallas, Texas,” Paul said.

“Will I live there too?”

“We’d like to think so. We’ve done some research, and there is a children’s specialist hospital there. We’ve talked with your doctor who assured us that you would get a lot more help there. We also will be able to arrange for you be an outpatient.”

“Do you have any other children?” Kylie asked looking up at them. She was glad about the idea of being able to stay in a home, rather then always having to be in the hospital.

“Yes, we have four boys of our own. One of them is about your age,” Denise said kindly. “So would you like to come live with us?” Kylie thought for a moment. She had two choices. One, stay here and possibly die, alone. Two, go with this family and finally get a chance at a real life. Kylie looked over at the couple, gave a slight smile, and then nodded.

“I’d like that, a lot,” Kylie confessed. Paul and Denise smiled.

“We’re going to go talk to the doctors about releasing you and then heading back to Texas,” Denise said as she and her husband got up. Miss Biddermen gave Kylie a smile and then hugged her gently.

“I have a feeling, this is the family you’ve been waiting for,” she whispered into Kylie’s ear. She then left, looking back at Kylie only once, to see the smile that Miss Biddermen had always been waiting for.
♠ ♠ ♠
....**PLEASE READ!!!**

So I just want to inform everyone that I will not be on for several weeks. My doctor has decided that I will be having my baby next Monday (6/28) and will probably not be able to get on again until that Friday (should everything go well!). So please be understanding, and know that I will be back as soon as I can! I will be spending all this week getting ready, cleaning house, preparing baby items, etc.


So the first winner of my banner/story character is Falling.Down!! She was the first one to send me a banner, and it is awesome!! So she will be getting a character in my story!!! I will be contacting you after I deliver to discuss your character! That means that there is one spot left, so send me your banners!!!!

Thanks to:

Falling.Down -- Thank you for sending me my first banner!! I love it!!
Rock My World;; -- I'm glad it was a good way to wake up!
coolcat2003 -- I really am glad that you think so! I really love writing it!!