Status: Invisible

My Nightmare's are Another's Dreams


I was running, running as fast as I could into the night and away from the sickly howls of the monsters following.
I had lived through this before, it is my nightmare the one that haunts me night after night and fills me with terror and awe.

Suddenly I was in the air, like, flying.

But i wasn't the one doing it.

This hasn’t happened before. I squirm trying to get a view of my beholder but before I can I’m snatched into an icy cold grasp, I gasped due to the shock of being in warmth then cold.

‘Heh’ said a voice from above me, I look up into the face of a handsome boy around my age (14).
He had night black hair, a soft pale tint to his skin, dark purple eyes and black wings tinted purple.
The strange boy pulled me closer to him, his icy touch burning me.

"You smell so sweet" he whispered licking his lips and grinning showing fangs.

Tch, what a typical vampire! I think as he leans forward, "just a small bite for now" he says and terror fills me.
I shut my eyes and wait for the pain, when it doesn’t come I open my eyes and find myself falling one thought goes through my mind, crap.
I opened my mouth to scream but before any sound came out I was in warm arms again but these ones were different, warmer.
I look up directly into the eyes of another handsome boy around my age,
only this time the eyes were deep orange, he had light yellow hair as well as orange wings with yellow tips.

"Don’t worry I’ve got you…Grace" he said in a warm voice and smiled.

How does he know my name I think wildly.

I awoke to my mother calling my name. But it didn't matter, it felt like i was still in the nightmare. When my mother entered i had one thought.

Was he the angel of my nightmares?
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This is a story from my other account on Quizilla. I excluded the prologue because I'm going to make it a memory or something Grace has so yeah.