Status: Invisible

My Nightmare's are Another's Dreams

Once Again

Grace’s P.O.V

I lunged at the fabric ready to do some fighting if necessary, but as my hand was inches away laughter filled the air and the fabric dissipated.

As i was turning to land on my back--i had lunged too far and was falling- I was caught in cold arms.

I wriggled to try and look at my beholder but find that i can't turn my head. I could tell from their chest that it was indeed, a guy.

I couldn't tell but he might of been my age, give or take.

I struggled in his grip, but his hold was strong, definitely a guy.

He held me tightly, even when he adjusted his grip, so that his arms were around my neck and he was leaning on me, did he not once loosen his hold.

I wriggled again in his grip, trying my hardest to break free.

"Ah, now now, Grace. Don't want to break my hold do you?"

His voice was a velvet smooth, different than the voice he had used before. His voice would make any normal girl faint, or scream like a crazy fan girl.

Lucky i wasn't normal then, huh?

His body relaxed into mine, my shoulders fit into his chest perfectly. It felt like a true home.

It worried me, that his touch could feel so familiar, so welcoming.

I shivered.

He sighed.

"I should let you go." He paused and waited for my reaction, i tensed.

"It's a shame," he continued gripping even tighter, "that i will think this is all a dream. Or my real body will."

I stood stock still, holding my breath. Hoping he would explain.

"You see," he spoke conversationally. "Right now i'm in a sort of, Spiritual Connection with you, soon it will be severed."

I breathed a small sigh of relief.

"But don't fret, i'll be with you soon enough."

He spoke in my ear his voice husky, sending shivers up my spine.

The boy released his hold and disappeared leaving me to fall to my knees.

From Shock or Fear, even i don't know.
♠ ♠ ♠
This chapter is called Once Again because once again some guy Grace doesn't know knew her name and spoke familiarly with her.
It was my Birthday yesterday so i thought i should update for the spare few of you that actually like this.
