Status: Invisible

My Nightmare's are Another's Dreams


"Finally!" My mother, Joanne, says as i open the door.
"Do you know how many times I called you?" she shakes her head at me.

"Five! Can you believe it?" she threw up her hands and continued on not waiting for a reply.

"Hurry up and get ready for school" she walked out the door.

I sigh, she always wakes me up, i suppose i should thank her for disturbing my nightmares but i can't bring myself to do it.

Slowly I get dressed then race down stairs and grab a Banana. "Hey Squirt" Dad says as I come outside and get in the car.
He glances at me when I don’t complain at the nickname.

"That nightmare again eh?" He starts the car,

"I know what you need!" he says and gets out a mobile phone.

I stare at him as he dials,
"Ah, Headmaster Brache! It’s Mr Jones here," he pauses as the headmaster replies.
"I’m afraid my daughter is ill and can’t make it to school today."

He winks at me and I grin,
"Yes, yes I know it’s her first day at a new school, but, she’s ill and can’t make it." He and i grin at each other.
"Yes, okay! thank you, bye."
He hangs up.
"Now what?" I ask suppressing my excitement.
"now we sight see! It is a new town after all."
"Mum! We’re home!"
I shout as we walk into the kitchen. Mum appears from under the counter.

"Great" she said smiling pleasantly, "but where were you?"
I glance at dad he frowns.

"School got out an hour ago" Mum nodded towards the clock.
Dad grins at me, "I do so believe we’re busted"

I look at Mum she’s still smiling, I frown.

"Okay Mum what’s my..." i glance at Dad "-our punishment?"
She grins her eyes alight.
"Punishment dear? I wouldn’t punish you, ever!"
I sigh.
"Okay what JOB do you want us to do?" I ask looking back at dad, he’s frowning.
"Well' mum says slyly "I thought we should go meet the neighbors!"
I stare at dad, he stared back at me.
We nodded sharing one thought,
♠ ♠ ♠
Chapter Two!
It's not much, seeing as i take it straight from my word document and edit the parts. I didn't have any chapter's either....