Status: Invisible

My Nightmare's are Another's Dreams


I awoke outside, just as the sun began to burn my face.

I sat up and looked around, not a soul in sight.

I stood, stretched and started the slow walk back to the house.

As i walked i thought. I hadn't had my dream/nightmare in awhile. The one i was thinking about wasn't the one i had been having lately.

The one i was thinking about was the one i had been having at camp, before we moved here.

I tried to recall it, thinking very hard but i couldn't.

I didn't want to go back to the house, not yet anyway.

So instead, i walked towards a tree and lay down beneath it, closing my eyes i slept, again.

Remembering or Dreaming?

I couldn't open my eyes, i was warm, but the air around me was cold.

Something touched my forehead and my eyes snapped open.


It was dark but there was just enough light to see.
It was snowing and i was wrapped in a blanket.

Normal right? Well, it was except for the fact that i was a BABY.

Snow drifted around me and i inhaled, the smell of rotting flesh was in the air.

I struggle to get a look at what could smell so bad, when i freeze.

The stench was coming from the thing that was carrying me.

We emerge from the darkness into a softly lit alley, the creature puts me down and backs a few feet away.

Once the thing released me a word emerges from my infant lips.
I didn't know what i said but it sounded different, it sounded....Holy.

Whatever i said the word hurt the beast. It sent it flying backwards, it's ears melting.

Another creature came into view, it snarled at me and i recoiled slightly.

It dropped an infant next to me and went to aid it's fellow.

I rolled onto my side and looked at the baby. Sharp emerald eyes returned my gaze.

We break eyesight as another baby is placed next to me. This one had intelligent Orange eyes.

A slight sound above me makes me look up. Another vile creature appears and drops a fourth child near us.

It's eyes come straight to mine and seem to pierce my soul with it's Sky Blue eyes.

As we all lay down, we start to cry. It was such an urge that i gave in and let it take hold.

The three creatures hummed to us, the noise grew loud, so terribly loud and then....silence.

The silence built up and we stopped our cries. Echoes of pain raced around us and then the last beast approached, leaving the bodies of the two beasts behind.

The last beast left but not before telling us to always protect the 'first' child. I wanted to leap out of my blanket and ask him 'what child, what child?' But i couldn't move.

He knelt down beside one of the babies, i couldn't tell which and whispered some words that i couldn't hear.

Just before it left, it transformed. Into something indescribable.
♠ ♠ ♠
I made a spelling mistake in the last chapter :(
But i was in a rush.
I've changed this story quite a bit from the original, it might not make sense to some....Well quite a few people.