Unfinished Sequel

Chapter 10

As I watch Magdalena sleep, I began thinking about everything that happened. She is absoluately right though, if I would have been in class and at lunch maybe none of this would've happened to her. I feel the heat rising to my head, as I am filled with guilt and anger. Slowly I pick Magdalena's head up and place it back down. Then I head up the stairs to her room. I see the necklace I gave her laying on the floor. Was she going to tell me this broke, or was it intended to be broken? I go to her supply closet, get pliers and beging loosening and tightening the necklace. As I head down the stairs, I start thinking of my relationship with Maggie and about, 'is my secrets really keeping her in danger?' I kiss her forehead and head out the door. I am heading back to my aunt's cabin in the woods when I see a horse waiting for my arrival.

- "So I see not even a day here Justin, a day, and you already popped up in her dreams. Why Justin? I haven't fully explained myself to her because I don't know if I will access that ability." I begin saying

- "Kenny, whether or not you do or don't access your ancestors traits, you still must explain yourself to her. She cannot find out eventually Kenneth. She has to be told." He continued

- "She is new here Justin and this afternoon Jose got to her man. She could have been killed. I have to protect her, but you have to stop invovling yourself in my business."

- "It isn't just your business when it involves a mortal. Yes I am aware that Mr. Jose saw Magdalena for reawsons I do not know. As I was also aware of when I spoke to her, that she indeed is a fighter. She is the girl Kenny that will be able to help in this battle. This is fate."

- "NO! She isn't entering this battle by my side nor will I use her. You do know that both teams have rules that we must obey. One of the rules are not to endanger the lives of your mortal partner, and I am not immortal so I rather me be in danger."

- "Listen to me, you both can become immortal together but you know the consequences of her turning."

- "What the hell man! You're suppose to be on my side not his. We protect the innocent, not harm them."

- "It is not harmful if she is willing to turn for you to be together."

- "I like her mortal. Things are normal. Please come up with a way to help her stay out of this."

- "I didn't make up the rules, but I will try. Kenny beware, that if Jose attacked her once he will be finding her again."
Justin says as he trots away.

- "Not if I'm around."

I make my way to my aunt's house. I climb through th open window. As I look up I find my brother Albert, staring at me quilty wise.

- "Seriously dude, you're helping a mortal. Do you know how much danger you put that girl in?" Albert says

- "Aww c'mon man! Not you too!" I replied

- "You're damn skippy me. You know the long talks we had with dad. Didn't any of that cross your mind?"

- "To be honest, no. I didn't ask for this Albert. It's like witches don't ask to fight demons and yet they do."

- "This isn't Charmed Kenny and you know what I mean."

- "Yeah I do. I understand you don't want me being happy with a mortal just because things didn't work out with you. I don't have to hear this, and another thing I'm going to prove to you and Justin that I can save her; even if it kills me."

- "It will kill you bro, that's the bad thing about this."

- "Then let it, but she needs me and I'm going to try."

I grab my stuff, climb out the window and head back to Maggie's place. I open Maggie's door and still see her sound asleep. When I close the door she wakes up.

- "Kenny....what happened?" Magdalena said

- "Nothing sweetheart, I just went out for a walk. Go back to sleep." I replied

- "Come put me to sleep."

- "Sure thing."

I lay my head on hers and begin humming. I let my fingers run between her silk smooth hair.

- "Kenny?" She asks

- "Yeah?" I answered

- "Thank you."

- "No problem."

I close my eyes and just listen to the crickets outside.