Unfinished Sequel

Chapter 11

It's Tuesday, January 23, 1992. Waking up next to Kenny was nice. I hear a car drive up to the driveway, to then remember that my brother said he was going to be back first thing in the morning. I begin shaking Kenny to wake him.

- "Kenny wake up! My brother is here. We have to sneak out to the back door and head to school." I said

- "Wait, what? You are not going to school until next week. Your bruises on your back haven't healed." he answers me

- "I don't care, my brother may approve of us but not of you spending the night."

- "We didn't do anything. You asked for company and I was just here, on the couch."

- "Kenny please, let's just go. We don't have to go to school."

- "Okay fine, let's go."

- "Thank you."

I grab my book bag and quickly, yet quietly; run to the back door. Kenny opens the back door and we see Andre there. He has the most upset face, now I know I can never be trusted.

- "Inside, both of you...now!" Andre yelled

We go back in the house and Kenny and I sit down on two seperate couches. Andre slames his keys on the kitchen counter and stormes into the living room. Kenny looks at me like, 'we are so screwed.'

- "What in the world did you two even think of when you spent the whole night here together?!" Andre yelled

- "Andre it isn't even like that. Kenny spent the night on the couch. We didn't do anything." I explained

- "Oh right, and where did you sleep exactly?"

- "Um well, we werekind of joking and everything and laughing so I dozed off in; well on the couch too."

- "So basically its no difference if you guys were sleeping on the same bed."

- "NO! It wasn't planned Dre it just happened. Man, we didn't have sex or anything check me if you want."

- "That's my freaking point Maggie! You didn't plan it, something could have happened. He is a guy Mags."

- "Will all do respect sir, I would never do anything to a girl if she wasn't ready. When I came here, sex was not even in my mind, not close. She just told me she needed company because you were out of town." Kenny said

Dre was looking at Kenny as if he was a liar, and a scum.

- "Let me tell you something, I respect you as a young man and as a person, but my sister is the only member of my family that I have left. So I don't want you bringing your pretty boy self around here while I'm not around, got it?" Andre says

- "Yes I understand. Sorry for intruding on your family, but before I go ask yourself this; ever since your mother died, when was the last time she smiled or even looked happy? You are so used to protecting her from everyone rather than consider what she wanted. I'll see you around Maggie. Have a good one Dre."

- "Goodbye!"
Next thing I know, Kenny was gone.

- "What the hell Andre. Why, why did you do that for?" I demanded

- "Because at your age, I always broke girls hearts, and I just know how a guy thinks." he replied

- "He isn't like that Dre. Not all guys are like that! You don't think about anyone but yourself. You now made things worse, instead of keeping me close you're driving me away."

- "Don't say that Hun. This is just like a phase in a girls life. The world doesn't end here I promise you."

- "NO! You just don't get it. This is my life not yours and you're controlling it!"

I push him out of my way and head out the door. I run; searching for Kenny. Why did my brother have to be so cruel? I see Kenny sitting on a bench.

- "Kenny, I'm so...." I begin

- "He's right." he says

- "About?"

- "Guys like me break girls hearts at this age."

- "What are you trying to say?"

- "Maggie, I thought this through and this isn't going to work out."

- "You're breaking up with me?"

- "This isn't going to work. I care about you but I don't want any heartbreaks."

- "No you can't, I just finished sticking up for you. Don't do this because of Dre please."

- "I'll be around as a friend, we just can't do this."

- "Fine, leave I don't care do you! Don't ever come to me because you feel bad. I don't need you just like I didn't need anyone when my mother died, so go."

I begin yelling and pushing him away. Tears rolling down my face. Kenny tries to hug me but all I do is push him harder. Kenny then says he will always be there, then he walks away. I hear footsteps behind me. I look back and it's Dre. He sits next to me and just digs my face in his shirt. I feel so guilty for treating Dre so wrong. I cry even more and he tries to calm me down by saying it's okay. I can't do this.