Unfinished Sequel

Chapter 1...

The bus is here. I walk into the same old rag bus with the physco bullies in the back, bimbo blondes in the middle, and well me: by the weird-O kid who picks his nose and think I can't see. The bus stops, it's him! Kenneth Mateo with his beautiful blue eyes coming my way. I turn my head...

- "...Maggie, right?" Kenneth asks me

- "Yeah, well actually, Magdalena De Los Milagros, may I help you?" I respond

- "Yeah, you're kind of in my seat."

- "I apologize, I had no idea."

- "It's cool, are you new here?"

- "Yeap, I'm from the island of Puerto Rico."

- "Interesting."

He gets up and makes his way off the bus. Just to think that my five second conversation with an attractive guy was the highlight of my day at Seda Smith Academy. I see a perky brunette and all I'm thinking was, ' doesn't her cheeks hurt'?

- "HI ! I couldn't help notice but you're new here, and I wanted to personally give a warm welcome hello. My name is Krystal Ruiz."

She takes out her hand signaling for a shake. I shake her smooth soft hand that have the scent of baby lotion. She continues :

- "Next week is our junior homecoming, and since you're new I'll help you get some perks in."

- "Thank you...I guess." I replied.

What else to say, ' no piss off, I know how to survive on my own'. I nod my head and we make our way down a hallway and past a door that read, 'Interracial Relationship.' To me, this school was all out there. We enter the door and all I see is mirrors, endless mirrors. I felt as if I was in a fun house.

- "This is our dance department. Mostly in this classroom we have the boys step team practice in here." Krystal says

- "Oh I could tell, smells like a gym in here." I reply as I give a fake laugh.
Krystal stares at me blankly then says :

- "Right...? Well okay then, pur your belongings down and follow me."

- "Where are we going? Shouldn't I get to class? This is my first day."

- "You know you ask an awful lot of questions for some who is new."

I just stand there blankly and realize that I barely said a word to this dousche bag. So she continues giving me a tour of the academy. We step inside a cafeteria and I see a group of teenagers standing around creating a rhythum with their utensils, it is rather interesting. Suddenly they all stop and look up. Their mouths dropped instantly life if they had seen a 6'1 model on 'America's Next Top Model'. Krystal begins with :

- "Okay guys and ...Miracle, this is a new girl from the islands."

- "Well please to meet you gorgeous, I'm Jordan, others call me Shags." He says, as he firmly applies his lips on my palms.

- "Okay shags give her time. I told her she was going to be given perks around so cool it."

- "If you ask me..."
A brunnete with red tips gets up and continues...

- "Seems like the girl doesn't need a heads up around here, she just needs a set of rules. I'm Kristara, but people call me miracle. Rules are: I like all the attention around here, so don't be in sight to make me look bad, got it...good."

- "Well you don't need me to make you look bad, depending on your outfit, you're half way theer. Oh and the tips are a little too 1980's don't you think. And another thing, I don't need any attention from anyone because I know where I belong. Got it...excellent! Nice to meet you." I replied

Kristara has the most irritated facial expression and grabs her stuff: storming away. I turned around finding Krystal and the guys with a shocked, yet amused face.

- "Damn shorty, I have been here for three years and I never saw anyone speak to Miracle that way...good job." Jordan says.

- "Girl, you already made your first lovely friendship. Hope you have life insurance." Krystal says.

- "In the island, we dropkick the first idiot who disrespects someone they just met." I replied

- "That's a fight on my block too, but man that was cool." Jordan stated.

I smell something so breathtaking. I turn around to find Kenny behind me, walking to his seat. I stare at him, he stares at me and then five seconds later looks out the window, Krystal taps me.

- "Ah! Mr.Mateo. Gorgeous one at Smith, but barely talks to anything that walks." Krystal says

- "He talked to me, well I was in his seat; but he wasn't rude. Nice young man." I answered

- "Ma, where are you, english school? Liven up. I don't know what he is all about but I'll tell you this much, I'd watch out; Mracle has her eyes on him."

- "Well she doesn't have to worry, the quite ones aren't my type." I replied as I turned back around to stare once more at him. There is something about him that keeps me interested, but I wasn't one to find out his secrets and stories.