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I'm Addicted To You

I'm Addicted To You

You: Raven Bouvier
Age: 25
Occupation: None
Sibling: Pierre Bouvier-very close

Brother: Pierre Bouvier
Age: 28
Occupation: Lead vocals in the band, Simple Plan
Sibling: Raven Bouvier-very close


David Desrosiers
Age: 27
Occupation: Bassist, back-up vocals for the band, Simple Plan

Sebastien Lefebvre
Occupation: Rhythm guitar, back-up vocals in the band, Simple Plan

Jeff Stinco
Occupation: Guitarist of the band Simple Plan

Chuck Comeau
Occupation: Drummer of the band Simple Plan

*Starts when the band and you are going on tour*

"Raven, you need to get up," My brother, Pierre said quietly while shaking me.

"Five more minutes,"I said putting my head under my pillow.

"No. Now. We leave in a half an hour," Pierre said while leaving my bedroom.

I go into my bathroom. Since I took a shower last night, I don't take one today. When I get into the bathroom, I put on my clothes.

After that, I straighten my hair, brush my teeth, and put on my make-up. I go back into my bedroom to get my pillow to take downstairs. I go downstairs to see my brother in the kitchen making eggs and toast for us. I put my pillow by the luggage and go sit at the kitchen table.

"Hey Pierre, when are the rest of the guys suppose to be here?" I ask.

"In about ten minutes." He replies.

Pierre is cooking the eggs when we hear the door open.

"Those would be the guys." Pierre says.

"Hey Pierre. Hey Raven." David says.

You see, I have a huge crush and David and nobody knows. He's cute, and funny, and likes to have a good time. He is what every girls wants.

"Hey David." Pierre and I say.

"Chuck, Jeff, and Seb are loading the stuff onto the bus." David says while sitting next to me and starting to eat his eggs.

"Okay, that's fine." Pierre says while making a plate for them.

A couple minutes later, I hear the door open again and Chuck, Jeff, and Seb come into the kitchen and start eating.

After we are all done eating, we all go outside and get on the bus. We step on the bus and race to get the best bunk. David and I are both trying to get into the bunk area at the same time, but its not working out.

"David, let me through." I said, trying to push him out of the way.

"No, I was here first." David said trying to push me out of the way.

Finally, I get through the doorway first and try to find the best bunk. I get on the top bunk all the way in the back.

"Oh man, this sucks." I hear David complaining.

I laugh to myself as I set up my bunk. I put on my zebra print sheets and pillow. After I finish, I lay there and wait for David to get the second best bunk. I see him coming back.

"I hope you like your bunk David." I say laughing.

"Shut up." David says setting up his bunk.

Everyone sets up their bunk and we are ready to go. Pierre, David, and I are sitting on the couch watching T.V. while waiting to leave.

"Is everyone ready to leave?" Our tour bus driver, Bob, yells.

"Yeah." We all shout.

The bus starts to leave my house and all i can think about is.....

This is going to be an exciting tour!
♠ ♠ ♠
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