Status: Completed. Feedback is still good, though.

I'm Addicted To You

I'm Addicted To You

It is almost my due date. I'm almost nine months pregnant.

Today, Simple Plan has an interview. I was up after David and took a shower. After my shower, I put on a black flowy top, a pair of jeans, and my black flip flops.

After I got dressed, I sat down on the bed and yelled for David. I can't walk down the stairs by myself. One reason is because it's hard for me and the other reason is because David is worried something will happen to me.

"You called?" David asked.

"I need help going down the stairs." I laughed.

David grabbed my hands and gently pulled me off the bed. As we were walking down the hallway to the stairs, I made him stop so I could look in the nursery. It has wood flooring, and there's a window right in the middle of the wall. The crib is to the right of the window, and the changing table is on the wall next to the crib. We also bought a dresser and put that on the left ball. The walls are a girly blue and the curtains are a little bit lighter than the paint color, and we have all of her toys and stuff that we need for her in the room.

I couldn't wait for her to be in this room. It felt so empty without her.

After looking in the room, David helped me down the stairs by holding my hand and had the other hand on my lower back to support me.

He took me over to the couch and helped me sit down so I could wait for him to get all his stuff for the interview. After he gathered everything he needed, he pulled me off the couch and we walked to the car. After he helped me get in the car, he walked over the the other side and got in.

The drive to the place where the interview was taking place was about 20 minutes.

When we pulled into the parking lot, I could see Pierre standing by the door. My guess is that he was probably waiting for us to get there.

After David pulled into a parking space, I saw Pierre start walking towards the car. As David was helping me get out of the car, Pierre yelled/said:

"David, I've got her. You have to go inside and tell them that you're here."

David gave me a kiss on the lips and ran inside the building. Pierre grabbed my hand to support me while we were walking to the building.

"So, are you ready for the baby to come out?" Pierre asked.

"Yes I am. I feel and look like an elephant. I'm tired of being pregnant." I replied.

"You don't look like an elephant. I think you are the most beautiful pregnant woman I have ever seen"

"I won't be the most pregnant woman when you get a wife and when you get her pregnant." I smirked. "But thanks for the compliment."

"No problem."

When we got to the building, Pierre opened the door for me and moved his hand to my lower back. As we were walking, I could hear everyone talking. When we got around the corner, they stopped talking, and Frankie ran up to me and gave me a hug and talked to me while the guys were talking among their little group.

"I can tell you want her to come now."

I didn't know Frankie could read emotions like that.

"Just as I was telling Pierre, I'm tired of being pregnant."

A few minutes later, the interviewer walked into the building and told all of us to sit around the table. I was sitting next to David and Frankie was sitting next to Seb. The interviewer asked all kinds of questions. Some were about David being the only one in the band being married, Pierre being the only one single in the band, and the baby.

About half way into the interview, I felt a tiny bit of pain in my lower stomache. I rubbed it to get the baby to calm down.

The pain subsided for a little bit.

A couple minutes later, a more severe pain came. I grabbed onto David's arm to get his attention.

"Baby, what's wrong?" David whispered with worriness in his voice.

"I think the baby's coming." I whispered back because the pain was so severe.

David jumped out of his chair and we walked hurrily to the car, or as fast as I could walk.

Once everyone got the hint as to what was going on, they all jumped out of their chairs.

David and I were at the front of the train of cars. Behind us was Pierre, then Frankie and Sebastien, then Chuck, then Jeff.

When we got to the hospital, David came around to the other side of the car to get me. I didn't realize that Pierre had gotten me a wheelchair. The nurse pushed me into the building, and David was holding my hand. I just did my breathing so I could get my attention off the pain.

We got into the hospital room, and the nurses started prepping me and the room for when it was time for the delivery.

David and I were the only ones in the room after everything was set up. David was on the right side of the bed, holding my hand so I could squeeze his when a contraction came.

A little while later, Pierre came into the room and sat on the left side of the bed after kissing my sweaty forehead. The nurse provided him with a chair because David was sitting in the only one in the room.

"How are you feeling sis?" Pierre asked just when a contraction came.

I was holding onto both their hands while it was in action.

"Does that answer your question?" I asked.

Pierre nodded and chuckled.

"David, I called your mom and sister for you. Your mom said that she would pick up your sister and come over here when it was time to see the baby." Pierre told David.

"Thanks because I wasn't going to get a chance to do that." David laughed.

About three hours into being in labor, everyone was in and out of the room. They were checking in on me and wishing me luck. The last people to come in were David's mom and sister. They both hugged and kissed David and I and told us that they would be in the waiting room waiting for their granddaughter and niece.

I could just see David's sister and Pierre fighting over who would be the best aunt or the best uncle.

About four hours into being in labor, it was time for the baby to come out. The doctor and a few nurses came into the room and started telling us what we needed to do.

"Okay David, what I need you to do is hold Raven's right leg while holding her right hand so she could sqeeze it when she is in pain. One of the nurses is going to hold her left leg. Raven, what I need you to do is push when we tell you as hard as you can and don't forget to breathe."

When the doctor told me to push, I pushed with all my might. I could hear David giving me encouraging words.

The doctor told me that in about two pushes, we would have our baby girl.

Two pushes later, I could hear the small cries of my baby. They took her to get cleaned off and David gave me a big kiss.

I saw that the nurse was coming back with our pink bundle of joy. The nurse handed her to me, and I started crying when she handed her to me. She was the most beautiful baby I had ever seen.

"Hey beautiful." I whispered, rubbing her arm gently.

She had my hair and David's nose. Now all I need was to see her eyes. She opened her eyes, and I was glad that they were David's.

I could see David getting restless next to me, so I asked him if he want to hold the baby. He took the baby and started talking to her.

"Hey baby girl. You are going to be a daddy's girl when you get older. Yes you are. You are going to have everyone wrapped around your little finger. Your Uncle Pierre is going to try to spoil you rotten, but I'm going to do better than him."

The doctor came back into the room with the baby's birth certificate.

"Mr. and Mrs. Desrosiers, have you decided on a name for your baby girl?"

"We decided on Kaelyn Elizabeth Desrosiers"

We spelled it out for him the way we wanted it, and he told us to sign the birth certificate.

Her nicknames is going to be Kae and Kae Kae.

"Because of hospital policy, the nurse needs to take Kaelyn to the room where all the newborns are kept. David, if you wouldn't mind, to come with me, and you can go get your family, and you can show them the baby."

David agreed, gave me a kiss, and followed the nurse with our daughter and the doctor out of the room.

Right when the door shut, I didn't realize how tired I was.

A few minutes later, I fell into a deep sleep.
♠ ♠ ♠
Here's twenty-eight.

Bamboozle was so much fun.

I got to meet Simple Plan for the second time, Jack from All Time Low, and Caleb and Jonathan from Forever the Sickest Kids. I also saw Billy Martin from Good Charlotte running around too.