‹ Prequel: Oil Scripture
Sequel: Insane
Status: Comments?

Knock Me Out


He'd waited all his life to be near to her tonight.

He'd planned it all, how they'd finally meet. It had taken several years of his intellectual scheming in order to entangle her in his grasp. His chipped white painted nails would hold onto her hair as he'd get what he had wanted for so long.

He'd wanted a girl with lips like morphine. A girl who'd knock him out every time they touched him. Someone who could blow a kiss that would leave him gasping; he'd only ever met one girl who could do that.

Tonight would be the night, the night that he could get the girl with lips like morphine.

She had never noticed him until the notes started arriving. Notes with scribbled thoughts and prose that could muse her into believing he was the one. Written words, this in theory appeared incomprehensible but to her felt like a gift. Mat had sent her these notes at the start, and then he talked to her.

She wasn't the usual person with whom he would be associated with. Her attire made her alluring and all the more vivid to those around her, she was an attention seeker while he kept to himself; voicing his thoughts when he desired, but not wanting to set a certain image of his persona to those around him.

For her, image was everything and it brought Mat to his knees.

When Mat first spoke to her she had looked at him with disbelieving eyes. Her eyes barely focusing on his searching ones. Despite this setback Mat leaned forward and whispered Ocellus into her ear. The sudden shock etched on her sweet face showed Mat that she recognized him, even though she had tried hard not to show it. Mat had her in the palm of his hands.

From then on the letters became infrequent but the visits became eminent, they're different views on life clashing as they became closer. Mat was dragging his prey slowly to him. When she'd revealed her secrets to him, he knew that she trusted him profusely. This was the opportunity he had been waiting for, the one thing he had been waiting for, for what seemed like all his life.

He'd confided in her also, revealing his makeshift view of the world in the hope that she would still accept him. It had become clear that, by each passing day she had accepted him more and more. However, he treads carefully when it had come to his views. He didn't want his well thought plans to go to waste.

Tonight they were to meet again, under the stars where everything was dark. Away from the world so that they could only hear themselves, the Chicago city lights too strong to bear the beauty of the night watchers.

After his heart had beaten twenty more times she appeared, he rose from his makeshift seat and embraced her. Even though she had wrapped up warm the bite of the Chicago winter could still penetrate the layers, her petite form shivering into Mat's embrace.

They sat amongst the stars and spoke of menial things, their minds elsewhere as their fingers entwined. The stars above glowed brightly, it appeared to be the first, and possible the last, time they would be able to see their glow during this time of year. They sat close to one another, sharing their body heat in order to refrain from losing their limbs to the frost.

Mat turned to her, her eyes staring up at the stars. As he examined her features her eyes met his, they appeared to shine in the pathetic light and her mouth turned upwards. She squeezed his hand and kissed his cold skin.

"Thank you Mat, you have no idea how much this means to me," she said, her voice quiet as the truth was revealed.

Mat smiled warmly at her and cupped her face in his gloved hand, leaning forward so that their lips met. He finally had the girl with lips like morphine, the ones that could knock him out every time they touched him.

And it felt so good.
♠ ♠ ♠
*Ocellus = Darling in Latin.
I really enjoyed writing this. It has allowed me to somewhat return to my style from 'Oil Scripture' and I believe this will serve as a prequel, or in a sense, a bit of Mat's background story.
I don't know whether the girl is the Hannah. Imagine what you will.