Status: Active. The more comments, the faster update.

Listen To Your Heart

One: Uno: I

Summer was about to end, and I was so excited, though, as much as I loved wearing short shorts and v-neck shirt, winter was my all time favorite season. I'd just gotten out of my last class for the day and decided to head to the local Starbucks that was near the school. I didn't have to drive there, I just walked a couple of blocks and entered the the store as I inhaled the rich smell of the coffee. It wasn't to any surprise that there weren't any customers in the shop, only due to it being eleven. I ordered my Caramel Frapp., and a slice of cheesecake they had just put out, though as the guy told me the total, my phone started to vibrate in my back pocket. I apologized to him as I handed him the cash and answered the phone call. To my surprise it was my older brother explaining that he wasn't going to be able to get my backstage to meet the Jonas Brothers before their concert. Once he told me, I didn't mind at all, I had gotten used to it; it'd been the 27th time it had happened to me and it was always the same process.

You'd think that me being the sister of a famous movie star, I'd already met them, especially since he's already met them many times before. Well, every time he's done so, I've been there but something always has to come up and I either end up having to leave before I can meet them, or the leave before I do. I mean, I've had luck to meet Demi Lovato, Miley Cyrus, Selena Gomez, and many other celebrities, but not the boys. Don't get me wrong, I loved my boys, but I'd gotten tired of sitting around waiting for them. I was 19 and giving up.

Though after I'd gotten off my phone with my brother, I grabbed my coffee and my slice of cheesecake, thanked the people working there and left. As I walked down the sidewalk, I sipped on the cold ice coffee, while holding the cheesecake in my other hand. Though, since I didn't really wanna walk all the way to my car to eat the cake, I took a seat at a near bench that was close and set my stuff down beside me. The day was nice for a change, it had been so hot the past few days and no sign of rain. It seemed as if it was all going to burn up in flames. Though, I liked summer, not as much as winter, I just guess there were more things to do during winter. The beautiful white snow that would sometimes cover the surface in Dallas, TX was beautiful. It'd probably only happen once every two years, but when it did happen, it would become one of the best days there could be.

I'd checked my watch and noticed that it was ten 'till twelve and I had to get to work at one. I stood up from the bench and turned around to throw away the plastic box where I had the cheesecake, though as I turned back to head to my car I accidently bumped into someone causing me to spill all my coffee on my shirt. I cursed silently and tried wiping the iced coffee off my ivory colored shirt. Not only was I going to have to head back home for a shirt, but I was going to be late for work, and even though my manager didn't mind me being late due to being the sister of a celebrity, I didn't like the special treatment. So I just thought of calling her and telling her I was just going to be late. That's when I noticed the person who I had bumped into was still standing in front of me with their head tilting down to catch a glimpse of my face.

"I'm really sorry! I had no idea you were going to turn around and have a coffee in hand! It's my fault, let me treat you to another one," the manly voice sounded as I was still looking down at my shirt, trying to get a paper towel to observe the coffee off my shirt.

"No, its fine, don't worry about it," I said as I lifted my head and put a smile on. Exactly then I had noticed that not only had the coffee spilled all over his white shirt, but he was none other than the Jonas boy of my dream. "Im so sorry! I didn't mean to spill it on you too!"

"It's fine, I kind of like the color on it," he smiled as he looked down at his shirt. "So what do you say to taking that offer of letting me buy you a new coffee?"

"Dont get me wrong, I'd love to, but I have to go home, change, then go to work, which I'll probably be late to," I explained passing a great opportunity go by.

"Well then, let me buy you a shirt here at Urban Outfitters that's right around the corner," he hesitated. "I mean, it was my fault for spilling the coffee all over you."

"No, it's fine, really," I insisted as I dug through my bag to get my car keys out. "I'll just go home and change."

"C'mon, you're gonna have me feeling horrible all day," he put on a very simple smile on his face. "If you can't now, how about another day?"

"What do you mean?"

"What I mean is that we exchange numbers and I'll give you a call Saturday, since you probably don't work, and you have to let me buy you a coffee and new shirt," he smiled provocatively. There was a short silence between the both of us. All I could think of is, 'out of all the people him? Wanting to buy me a shirt and a coffee.' "So what do you say to that?"

"I'm not sure, but I know that if I keep saying no, you'll keep insisting," I laughed softly as I fixed my purse that was falling off my shoulder.

"Exactly, so it's better if we just exchange numbers and agree on a time and place where to meet," he nodded taking out his phone from his back pocket.
♠ ♠ ♠
Short chapter, but it's just a little taste of what you'll be reading. (:
Hope you like it! & please comment!
