
Chapter Uno


Demi paced her dressing room as she waited for her best friend to arrive. She was going to sit him down and make him listen to her and hopefully she would change his mind. He had been so stubborn before when she brought up taking their friendship to the next level; he didn't want to ruin their friendship by being in a relationship. Demi mumbled under her breath about insensitive boys and their stupid ways. She didn’t notice the door to her dressing room open as she continued to pace and mumbled.

"Talking to yourself is the first sign of insanity."

Demi turned around to see the boy she had been thinking about. He stood in the door way leaning against the door jam. He wore a jean shirt with a white shirt under it. Demi loved that jean jacket and the way it looked on him. She couldn't help but to look over the rest of him; he wore a simple pair of dark, tight, pants and nice brown shoes covered his feet. She glanced back up at his beautiful dark eyes hidden beneath his glasses.

"I'm not crazy." Demi said with a small smile. "Well not yet."

He laughed making Demi's heat flutter uncontrollably in her chest. She watched him as he sauntered into the room closer to where she was standing by the couch on one side of the room. She could see every little mole that lined his neck and face, the beautiful moles that made him seem real, not so perfect.

"Nice dressing room." He complimented as he looked around.

In truth it wasn't the best she had ever occupied but it was nice. She would only have the room for the rest of the day until after the concert. It was only the beginning of the tour and Demi was already home sick; she wished she could have her own room back. She missed her sisters and her parents who had to stay home to work on their careers, which left Demi with the Jonas'. She loved the Jonas' with all her heart they were like family to her, but it would make her feel better if she had her real family back.

"Thank you." She responded. "Look, Joe, can you take a seat?"

Joe hesitated but took a seat on the brown leather couch nonetheless and waited for Demi to speak. He knew she had something on her mind, and as her best friend he was ready to listen. She continued to pace in front of him letting Joe have time to finally take a full look at her. He had kept his eyes from wondering before but now that she was distracted he took his chance. She was wearing her outfit for the show later in the day; it consisted of black shorts and a grey shirt with a tan coat over that. She was almost as tall as him in her gold high heels; she looked stunning. In Joe’s opinion she always looked stunning but sometimes she looked better then other days.

"I just want to talk and you need to listen." Demi said her pacing never ceasing in front of Joe. "Don't talk. Just listen."

Joe didn't say anything, like he was told and waited for Demi to speak. She stopped pacing and looked at him as she tried to figure out how to say what she needed to say. Demi began to pace again her eyes flickering constantly to Joe.

"All right, I like you." Demi said cutting right to the point. "You’re my best friend and I want you to be my boyfriend."

She paused to let her words really sink in on Joe, he was just watching her blankly. Demi sighed and took a seat next to Joe on the couch. He turned his head to look at her better he didn't say anything to her like she requested. She was silent for a few moments trying to collect her thoughts and feelings.

"I love you." Demi said looking into Joe's dark eyes. "I'm in love with you. I need to know now if you can't be in a romantic relationship with me. I need to know. I'm sorry."

Demi took a deep breath then shook her head. "No. I'm not sorry. I shouldn't feel the need to say sorry. I love you. And if you can't love me fine."

Demi's eyes filled with unwanted tears as she waited for Joe to say something. Joe's eyes followed the first tear that fell as it ran down her cheek. He quickly wiped it away with his thumb then placed his palm against her flushed cheek.

"I love you." He whispered finally allowing his feelings to show. He was tired of hiding his true feelings. To hell with all the people telling him to stay single for awhile. He tried to convey everything he felt as he looked into her gorgeous brown eyes. "I love you so much. I always have and probably always will."

Demi smiled as more tears clouded her vision, this time with happy tears. "Really?" She asked unsure of what he was saying.

Joe did the only thing he could think of to make Demi believe him. He kissed her which caused a sea of emotions to ripple through his body. They had kissed before during filming for Camp Rock 2, but this was different. This was so much more intimate then kissing in front of a room full of people. Demi's tears continued to fall as she kissed Joe back unable to stop them.

"I love you." Joe said loving the way his heart would stop briefly every time he said those three words to Demi. "I love you."

He had loved Camilla, he even kind of loved Taylor and all of his other ex-girlfriends, but he was in love with Demi. No matter what happened with them he would love Demi, even if they ended up just friends in the long run. Demi felt the same, she had a number of boyfriends she thought she loved but she had never felt this way before. Joe made he feel beautiful every time he was around her, no one else ever made her feel that way.
"I love you." Joe continued to say as he kissed her tears as they cascaded down her cheek.

Demi didn't mind Joe's continuos chant of 'I Love You' as he kissed her. She would never tire of hearing him say that. She couldn't wait to hear him say that to her everyday. For once they were not going to listen to what other people said. And they were not going to apologize for needing to act on these feelings, to their management, to their families, or to their fans. All they cared about in that moment was each other, no matter what the consequences were. They loved each other and that is all that matters.
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My first Jemi one-shot!

comments please!!!

: )