‹ Prequel: 16 And 24
Status: Completed (:

You Can't Save Me Now


Tomorrow will be exactly a month since I left Craig, and Craig was no longer daddy to Aidan; that was Max's name now. Ever since the day we confused the hell out him he's been calling Mac daddy and Craig the bad man. It was cute but it felt wrong for him to grow up thinking that; maybe he'll forget when he gets older?

Now we were all outside at Max's house, Ronnie and I became siblings; brother and sister, so Aidan calls him Uncle Ronnie, Rob has been coming over alot too to us, so has Bryan... Craig? He was a whole other story.
He hasn't called, he hasn't texted me, e-mailed me... nothing. I was kind of wondering if he was dead, or he went to go live with Gabby... either one.

Max was making airplane sounds while spinning Aidan around. I smiled.
"Hey Shay?" Ronnie asked from beside me.

"Yeah Ronnie?"

"Are um... you and Max gonna get back together?" He asked rubbing the back of his head.

"I really don't know Ronnie, Aidan asks me the same question everyday." I said smiling slightly.

"I hope you guys do, Aidan really needs the dad figure 24/7."

"You're right, he does. You know what's amazing?"

"What's that Lil' Shay?" Ronnie asked.

"How a baby can turn you're life completely around, just something so small and innocent doing something so big." I looked at Ronnie, he was trying so hard not to laugh.

"Yeah, and it turns the toughest girl into the most corniest girl I've ever seen." Ronnie smiled.

I slapped his shoulder playfully. "Oww!" He laughed.

"Call me corny again and see what happens..." I scowled.

Ronnie went silent, I turned my attention back to Aidan and Max. "Corny, crony, corny, corny!" Ronnie yelled. He got up and started running into Max's yard where Max and Aidan were playing. I shot up from the stairs and chased after him. "Shayna's corny!" Ronnie yelled leaping over a lawn chair.

"You know that sounds so wrong!" I yelled tackling him to the grass.

"Oh yeah, what does it sound like?" He asked trying to push me off of him, I slammed his hands down onto the ground.

"There are little ears, and two immature ears around, so I can't say."

"Immature?" Max asked putting Aidan down, Aidan ran for the swing set Max bought earlier.

"Yeah, not fully developed," I said grinning.

"Fuck Max, you knocked her up again?" Ronnie groaned from beneath me.

"What?!" Max and I asked at the same time.

"I take that as a no...," Ronnie mumbled.

"Daddy, what's knocked up?" Aidan asked from the slide.

Max and I glared at Ronnie. "See what you started?" I asked tapping my fingers on his chest like they were a drum kit.

"He's already asked what tampons were, thanks to Shayna who left them in plain sight." Ronnie complained.

I scoffed. "Ronald!"

"I didn't tell him. I just said that 'they were for mommies and not to touch them'." Ronnie argued.

Max and I sighed in relief. I got off Ronnie and Max wrapped his arms around my waist.
"Do you remember yet?" He asked.

"Remember what?" I asked.

"How we got Aidan?" Max asked. God these guys were total pervs today...

I slapped Max's forehead they Should of had a V8 way. "No I do not Maxwell," I scowled.
He sighed. "Sometimes I'll have dream about what you did, but I don't remember." I added.

I looked over my shoulder at Max, he had a perverted grin on his face. I rolled my eyes and turned my attention back to Aidan who was swinging with Ronnie.


She was amazing, I missed her so much. We're not official, but it feels like it. Aidan was calling me daddy and Shayna and Aidan were moving out of Ronnie's house, in with me tomorrow.
Everything was perfect again. I had my arms wrapped around her waist, I rested my head on her shoulder. She smelled like strawberries, an innocent smell. She was innocent, I'm going to kill Craig for what he did to her, and I was going to kill Ronnie for what he just said.
Yeah I would love more kids, but Shay has been through enough for now. Maybe when Aidan is older, and when I know how to handle all the crying?

But for now I have Aidan, Shayna, Ronnie, the band... that's all I need.
♠ ♠ ♠
short && MORE FLUFF!
Who doesn't love fluff? I mean ITS SO FLUFFY! (haha the Despicable Me commercial..)
Jess had a report to do so I updated again! yay! (=

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