The Family Trip


"There's no earthly way of knowing."

Oliver tensed and gripped his blankets in a shaking, terrified fist. He's back again, he thought, feeling as though he was trembling from the very core of his body. If I imagine a happy place and pray, he'll go away. Just like he always does. Just like he always does...

"Which direction we are going."

The unnatural, inhuman light flickered on and turned the hardwood floor a ghostly white color. God, please make him go away. Make him go away!

"There's no knowing where we're going."

The whispers radiating from under the bed were horrifying and never failed to send another wave of shudders down the spine of young Oliver. God, please listen to me!

"Or which way the wind is blowing."

At this instant, the wind picked up outside, rattling the windows and causing the trees to creak ominously. Oliver bit his lip for he dared not to whimper and give himself away. Maybe he didn't know Oliver was there. Oh, I'm so stupid. Of course he knows I'm here!

"Is it raining, is it snowing?"

Rain, hail, sleet, and snow impaled the window. How? How can he control all of the elements? It can't possibly rain and snow at the same time! Oliver squeezed his eyes shut and tried to block out the noises of the precipitation smattering against the thin glass, hoping that it wouldn't break under the force.

"Is a hurricane a-blowing?"

As the voice became slightly fiercer, the wind increased one thousand fold and sent torrents of rain and hail down onto the house. Where's mom? Where's dad? Why aren't they hearing the storm? Why aren't they coming for me?

"Not a speck of light is showing."

The light clicked off. The voice became grittier, more powerful. As if there was an entire world just below the bed, demonic voices and noises began to erupt from the small cavity with ferocity. Why me? Why is this happening to me?!

"So the danger must be growing!"

Something hot and scaly brushed against Olivers arm and depite his best efforts, he squealed and recoiled. This only brought him into contact with a wrinkled hand. He gnashed his teeth together as the bony hand caressed his face. For God's sake, what are these creatures?!

"Oh, the fires of Hell are glowing."

A bit of red light tinted the room, not lighting the room enough for Oliver to see everything but showing enough for him to half-see the shadowy creatures slithering through his room. Of course! thought Oliver, He's the devil! That's where his power is coming from. But why? Why me? And why isn't God doing anything?!

"Is the grisly reaper mowing?"

The room silenced for a moment. Good. They're gone.

"Yes! The danger must be growing!"

The voice echoed through the room, so much louder now. So much angrier. A chorus of "Faster! Faster!" broke out through the room, coming from the mouth of each devil spawn. The most prominent voice was another one creeping out from under the bed. Oh God, please get rid of this Hell!

"For the rowers keep on rowing!"

Oliver suddenly felt seasick, as if he truly were on a boat. He clutched his stomach and raked his fingers across the skin as he fought back the bile rising in the back of his throat. The chants grew louder. God, have you abandoned me in my time of need? Oliver thought desperately.

"And they're certainly not showing."

The man under the bed was yelling now and so were the hellspawn who continued to chant like a Satanic mass. It was getting harder and harder for Oliver to keep quiet as he began to cry in frustration. It was near impossible to manuver his way out of the clutches of the hands. Suddenly, the room went black and the hands of the creatures all dropped. Thank you, God! Thank you for finally saving me!

"Any signs that they are slowing!"

The flickering red lights all appeared back on to find that the creature from under the bed, the Devil, was crouched above him. His different colored eyes flickered with trickery and his pale white skin was tinged red with the light. His black smile was mischevious and menacing. God has abandoned me. In a split second, the man had pulled Oliver under the bed and into the demonic realm that awaited below. The noise ceased.

"Stop the boat."
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