Lie To Me

Title: So lie to me and tell me that it's gonna be okay, lie to me and tell me that we'll make it through the day.
Warnings: Death, Murder, Suicide, Slavery. Don't read if you don't like that
Disclaimer: Title name does not belong to me, neither do the David Cook lyrics i added in.
Summary: The story focuses on a family who have been captured and are on their way to be sold as slaves along with a few other people. Things aren't looking too good.

AN: So this is my first post. This isn't something i'd usually write about, but it was an english assignment, which got a good review and grade so i thought i'd post it here to see what other people thought
  1. Lie to me and tell me that we're gonna be okay.
    A family are captured by slave traders. It's not looking good.
  2. Lie to me and tell me that we'll make it through the day.
    A family are captured by slave traders. It's not looking good.
  3. So look me in the eye. And lie, lie lie.
    A family are captured by slave traders. It's not looking good.