Status: I'll read over everything and see if I can update this.

We All Like the Irish Gentleman

In this story you are yourself meaning you use your own name and for some of the characters.

Warnings: Contains some aspects of horror.

Disclamer: Sadly I only own Barry and the others in my head. In the real world Barry/Robb/Dustin/Brandy/Joe/Ashley/Jason/Grant/Steve/Kris/Amy/Tango all belong to them self's. TAPS is property of Jason and Grant. SciFi owns Ghost Hunters and Ghost Hunters International. HOWEVER I own the plot line do not steal.

Anyway you are you and you apply for a job with TAPS but end up with Ghost Hunters International. You find yourself from day one with feels for Barry. Will you get with Barry? I decided that so read and find what I have in store for you.