Status: I'll read over everything and see if I can update this.

We All Like the Irish Gentleman


“I need a job now” You groan swing on your chair “Anybody got anything”
“Nope” Your sister says
“I thought I did but nothing” your brother says
“Okay back to searching” You yell throwing your hands in the air

You turn back to the computer scouring through the jobs listed. Meanwhile you sister is shuffling through the local paper and your brother through a state wide news paper. You scroll down the screen locking your eyes on the perfect job.

“I found one” You yelled
“What is it” Your sister asks
“A job is open at TAPS” You say
“What’s TAPS” Your sister asks
“The Atlantic Paranormal Society” You say
“Cool what’s that?” Your brother asks
“Well little boy it’s a group that hunts ghosts” Your sister says
“Oh like Casper” Your brother said
“Yes like Casper” Your sister said “What an idiot”

You walk over and pick up the phone dialling the number. After 5 rings some picks up.

“Hello you’ve reached TAPS this is Kris Williams how can I help” a women asked
“Hi I was wondering if that job was still available” You asked
“Give me five and I’ll check with the bosses” she said

You could here her walk off and start talking with someone in the background.

“Okay so the jobs been taken but there is a spot with the international team” Kris said
“Okay cool so what do I do” you asked
“If you could some in for an interview tomorrow that would be a start” Kris said
“What time” You asked
“11:00 you’ll meet with the founder/lead investigator, co-founder/lead investigator and the international founder/ Tech manger” Kris said
“Okay cool I’ll be there” You say
“Okay bye” Kris said
“Bye” you say hanging up
“So” You sister asked getting in your personal space
“I have an interview for tomorrow” I said
“Sweet let’s celebrate” Your sister cheered
“Last time I checked people don’t celebrate job interviews Sarah” you said
“Come on _____ we all know you are going to get the job so let’s go” your brother said
“Wow he said something smart for once” You sister said
“Yeah…what?” your brother asked as you and your sister laughed your way out the door

You all went down to Pizza Hut we’re you were weekly regulars. Walking in the door behind the counter a guy waved at your sister.

“Go talk to your boyfriend we’ll find a seat” You said
“Bye” She squealed

You and your brother walked over to your normal table next to the window at the back of the store. Soon your normal waiter came and brought you coke. You sat and looked out the window wondering if you would get the job. You where brought out of your thoughts by your sister waving her hand in your face.

“Hay earth to Pluto calling Pluto” Your sister said
“Hi Pluto coming in” You smiled
“Can Sam join us?” your sister asked
“Yeah sure” You smiled

Your sister sat down next to you while your brother scooted over for Sam to sit down. After awhile your dinner arrived and you all ate and talked and laughed. After what seemed like 5 minutes but was really 2 hours you got up and left for home.

“Where are you going?” Your sister asked
“Home I have a job interview tomorrow” you said
“Okay see you later” You sister smiled

You left the store and walked up the street you were deep in thought when you ran into something quite solid. You looked up to see 3 guys standing there.

“Oh I’m sorry I didn’t see you” You blushed
“That’s okay I should have side stepped” The guy said

You couldn’t help but laugh at the guy in front of you.

“What’s so funny” the guy smiled
“You hair is pointy” I grinned
“Ah so you’ve seen the D.Pari style” He smiled
“What” I asked
“I’m Dustin Pari, this is Robb and Barry” he smiled
“Hi” I smiled
“So ah do you want to hang with us” Dustin asked
“No I have to go home I have a job interview tomorrow” You said
“Okay well good luck, we were only going to pizza hut” Dustin said
“Well in that case I’ll take you back and you can sit with my sister and brother you’ll get a discount if you’re with them” You said
“Cool well then let’s go” Robb spoke up

You walked them back to Pizza Hut then took off home. Upon your arrival you took off up stairs to your room. You got dressed and jumped into bed. For the first time in a long time you dreamed about someone. There was that guy Barry he was in your dreams all night long. There was something about him that you liked. Though he didn’t talk he seemed like he was always watching you with a keen interest. You could see his caring brown eyes as he smiled at you.

The next day you jumped from your bed and looked at the clock you were freaking that you slept in. You looked at the bed side clock which read 9:30. You calmed down a bit but not a lot. You had an hour and a half to get ready but it would take at least an hour to get into the city. Leaving you half an hour to get ready and leave. You grabbed a towel from the cupboard, along with your favourite black jeans, a shirt that says the horns are only to hold up the halo along with your multi colour converse’s that your best friend had wrote on. Running into the bathroom you had what was most likely the quickest shower in the history of the world. After jumping into your clothes you blow dried your hair pulling it back into pony tail. You pulled on your shoes grabbed your keys and ran down the stairs. You stole a piece of toast from your sister on the way out the door.

“Hay” she yelled
“Thank sis wish me luck” You smiled
“Luck” Your brother called

You ran out the door and jumped in your SUV. Sadly it uses to be white but it’s now brown. You put your foot down and headed off.
♠ ♠ ♠
Thanks Seeley.Booth for the roman numeral idea instead of chapter names.

I hope everyone enjoyed this first chapter. Do what you will but keep in mind comments = fast updates. Also this story is because my other story I like the way you wear those faded blue jeans is not going to be updated because Steve Gonsalves won't tell me what I need to know. Anyway enjoy my somewhat story thingy.