Status: I'll read over everything and see if I can update this.

We All Like the Irish Gentleman


That afternoon around 3:30 you all climbed into the cars to head to your location. On the way Brandy told everyone about the location and some of things that had been happening. Apparently the place you where heading was an early 1700’s castle, privately owned now it has been turned into a stay in museum. The owners want to know if the place is really haunted or if it’s just the castle. You climbed out of the Van and began to walk to the rest of the group. Right now you were regretting the idea you had to wear your denim short shorts. You were at least smart enough to wear your superman hoodie.

“God its cold” You said
“I knew that was going to happen” Barry smiled
“Great why didn’t you tell me?” You snapped
“Because I thought I’d do the next best thing” Barry said
“What letting me suffer your so nice” You said sarcastically
“No I brought a pair of your jeans along you can get changed in the van when the equipments unpacked” Barry smiled
“Thanks” You said hugging Barry

You and Barry walked over and joined the rest of the group. Robb, Dustin and Barry went on a tour. You where pulled along. The guide told you about the things that have happened to be in the castle as well as the history. People where seeing everything from black shadows to full body apparitions. Things were being moved among other claims. You and Barry went back to the van and removed the equipment. Once the equipment was out of the van you climbed in and had Barry close the doors. You pulled on your jeans before climbing back out of the Van. As the equipment was being set up Barry explained some of the things to you like why certain things were set up in certain areas. When all the equipment was set up you got sent with Robb and Dustin for a preliminary sweep. When you finished with Robb and Dustin you went with Joe to check out the basement. So far the night was kinda boring you heard a few noises that lead you to no where but that were it. When you were done with Joe you went off with Brandy and Ashley. You had fun with the girls. You guessed it was because even the smallest sound made them scream. When you finished with the girls it was time to go with Barry. Barry wanted to go around and take pictures with the full spectrum. You followed Barry to all the hot spots and took pictures. While you where on the top floor Barry set up the camera and you walked around.

“Can you get out of the frame please” Barry said
“Sure” You said stepping behind Barry

Barry snapped a picture and another. You walked over and looked out the window the sun was arising. You pulled out the walkie talkie and spoke.

“Hay Robb when are we wrapping” You asked
“When you and Barry are ready” Robb said
“Okay we’ll let ya know” You said

Barry snapped a picture and you walked over to the stairs where you could have sworn someone was walking up to you. You called down the stairs and got no replied. You turned to tell Barry when he snapped another picture and you fell.

“AH” You yelled
“______” Barry turned around
“Ouch” You said
“What happened” Barry asked running to the stairs
“I think the flash caught me off guard” You said
“Flash there is no flash” Barry said
“Then what was that bright light” You asked
“I don’t know” Barry said “Can you stand up”
“Ack no my leg” You said falling back down
“Hold on” Barry said

He grabbed a walkie talkie and before you knew it Robb was almost tripping over his feet running along the hall way.

“What happened” Robb asked
“Well let’s see Barry took a picture I fell down the stairs” You said
“So in other words your bumble footed” Robb said
“No there was a flash that wasn’t the camera” You said
“Okay well let’s get you down stairs” Robb said

Robb picked you up bridal style and carried you down to his SUV.

“Okay so here’s what’s going down Barry and I will take ______ to the hospital while the rest of you pack up Dustin I’m sure I’ll regret this but you’re in charge” Robb said
“Okay come on guys lets pack up” Dustin smiled

You where buckled up in the back seat while Barry and Robb were in the front. You arrived at the hospital and Robb once again picked you up while Barry opened doors for you. Barry went and talked to the lady at reception while Robb sat you on a seat. Barry walked over after a few minutes and let you both know that the doctor would see you soon. For a Saturday night the hospital sure was quite then again technically it was Sunday morning. The doctor came and helped you bounce down to x-ray where your leg had x-rays done on it. If you asked Barry it was a waste of time he spent the whole time going its broken look at it, it’s all swollen and sitting funny. You think his head is sitting funny. The doctor sent you back to the waiting room where Robb decided to send Barry to check on the others. You and Robb sat in an awkward silence. Robb could tell you where uncomfortable.

“You okay” Robb asked
“Beside the fact that my leg could be broken I’m just peachy” You said a little more mean then you expected
“You seem uncomfortable” Robb said “Was it your experience”
“I don’t like hospitals” You said
“Well that’s not good” Robb said
“Why” You asked
“Well the next case we have is an old hospital” Robb said
“I don’t like working hospitals” You said
“Why” Robb asked
“Because it’s so white and clean” You said
“Right” Robb drew out the word

You fell back into silence when the doctor appeared. Robb helped you into the doctor’s office where he stuck the x-rays on a board and turned it on.

“Well by the looks of things you broke your leg and pretty good” the doctor said
“I can see that” You said
“Now what happened exactly” The doctor asked
“I feel down the stairs” You said
“Well that explains the break” the doctor said
“So what can we do to fix it” You asked
“Well it needs to be pushed back in that we can do under laughing gas but it will need to go in a cast” the doctor said
“Well then let’s get started” You said
“Okay let me find a room and a nurse” the doctor said

After 20 minutes the doctor had everything ready to go. Robb helped you get on to the bed and held your hand while the doctor put you under the laughing gas. You had no idea what was going on because you were laughing so much. Soon the gas was taken off your face and you snapped out of it. You looked down and seen the nurse finishing up your cast. When the nurse was done the doctor came down with your crutches and you were aloud to go. You had to pay the medical pill because sci fi wasn’t filming at the time so they couldn’t pay. Once the bill was taken care of you left the hospital with Robb.