Status: I'll read over everything and see if I can update this.

We All Like the Irish Gentleman


Robb had to pretty much carry you up to your room because you fell asleep in the car. Robb tucked you in bed and went to crash in his room. The next day around lunch time you woke up and no body was around. You got out of bed and picked up your crutches before heading to Robb and Dustin’s room. Robb and Dustin’s room seems to be the hot spot for ghost hunters. You knocked on the door and waited next thing you knew you were being picked up and spun around.

“Okay D put me down” You smiled
“We have a marker can we sign your cast” Brandy asked
“Sure why not” You shrugged

You sat on Robb’s bed while everyone lined up to sign your cast. When everyone was done you looked around to see everyone’s eyes on you.

“What are you looking at me for” You asked
“How are you going wear something formal if that things on your foot” Robb said
“Simple not wear something formal” You said
“But we’ve been invited to a formal dinner at the castle” Robb said
“We have no formal clothes” You said
“That’s why were going down the street to find some formal clothes” Robb said
“How fun” You said sarcastically

You all headed left Robb and Dustin’s room and headed for the elevator. You and Dustin looked at each other and nodded.

“We’re taking the stairs” Dustin said
“See you at the bottom” Robb said

You and Dustin set down the stairs once again betting the others.

“How did you get down here so fast with a broken leg” Robb asked stunned
“Like this” You said standing up and walking along with your crutches
“Very funny” Robb said making you laugh
“Come on you two babies” Barry said making you laugh harder

You managed to get to the Van without breaking your other leg. You and Barry followed the others down to some street that had a few dress shops, a few suit shops and a couple pubs. The moment you got out of the Van Brandy was pulling you down the street towards the dress shops. After a few minutes your phone went off telling you there was a message.

“Brandy you can let goes now I have a message” You said
“Okay sorry” Brandy said
“Brandy we’re going meets back at the pub” You said looking at the message
“Which one” Brandy asked
“The one we parked next to” You said
“Okay then let them know we’ll be there” Brandy said
“Okay” You said

You typed in a reply to Barry (who sent you the message) before running into Brandy.

“Why’d you stop” You asked
“Let’s go in here” Brandy said
“Okay” You said
“Hello ladies” A guy said “Can I help you”
“Yes we’re looking for something for a formal dinner” Brandy said while the guy started at you
“And what type of dress are you looking for” The guy smiled at you
“We need something that looks good on her and that her boyfriend will like” Brandy said drawing out boyfriend
“Okay this way” the guy said pulling his eyes on you
“Who’s my boyfriend” You asked
“Um Barry” Brandy said
“Barry is not my boyfriend” You said
“Whatever” Brandy said

You and Brandy spent a good 40 minutes getting matching dresses and matching shoes. You then went and got matching jewellery. You started to leave the store when your phone started beeping. You pulled it out and found a message from Barry. We’re heading for the pub now. You typed back to Barry and got a message a few seconds later we’re stopping at the cars to drop off our clothes. You let Barry know you’d meet him at the cars and soon enough you were there. Once your clothes were in the cars you all headed to the pub. You felt special because you got to sit on the edge because of your crutches.

“We had an interesting time getting our suits” Dustin said elbowing Robb
“Yeah the girl who served us was all over Barry” Robb said
“We literally had to drop the g-bomb to get her away from him” Dustin said
“For the last time I’m not Barry’s girlfriend” You snapped
“Uh oh hostess alert” Dustin said covering his face
“Who” You said turning around
“Don’t look that way” Dustin said
“Oh my gosh Bunny-boo” You squealed
“She knows her” Dustin whispered to Robb
“I guess” Robb said
“Excuse me do I know you” the girl said
“Come on Bunny-boo think back four years” You said
“Music Monkey” the girl smiled
“Yep in the flesh” You smiled
“Oh my gosh what are you going here” The girl asked hugging you
“My job” You hugged back
“And that is” Bunny-boo asked
“I’m a ghost hunter” You said
“You’re still into that” Bunny asked
“Um introductions please” Dustin said
“Oh yeah sorry this is Dustin Pari, Robb Demarest, Barry Fitzgerald and Brandy Green everyone this is Guardian Goodwin” You said
“Guardian Goodwin” Dustin giggled
“Hay don’t blame me I didn’t choose my name” Guardian said
“Well do you have something else you like to be called” Barry asked
“Winnie or Bunny-boo” Guardian said
“Okay then Winnie” Barry smiled
“Anyway Music Monkey I’ll catch you later” Winnie said
“How about we meet back here tomorrow” You said
“Yeah you can tell me all about your leg” Winnie said
“It’s nothing” You said
“It was broken badly you had to have it put back in place” Winnie said
“You still have” You smiled
“Anyway see ya” Winnie said
“Bye” You said hugging Winnie before she walked off
“She’s still got what” Robb asked
“She’s a physic medium” you shrugged “I bet you work with a lot of them”
“No we don’t we usually try to stay away from them” Robb said “Not that we doubt them we just don’t use them”
“You’re not a physic are you” Barry asked
“Not if you don’t count strange dreams of the future then no” You said
“Like Sam” Dustin almost jumped from his seat
“Yeah just not as painful and only when I sleep” You said
“And you didn’t think to tell us earlier” Robb said
“I didn’t think it was important seeing as what I see always happens years down the track” You shrugged
“You do know we’ll have to tell Jason and Grant” Robb said
“If you must” You say
“And you may just lose your job” Robb said
“Then forget I ever mentioned it” You said
“Okay then” Robb smiled “I’ve forgotten everything that just happened”