Status: I'll read over everything and see if I can update this.

We All Like the Irish Gentleman


You were all sitting around talking when your phone started to beep. You looked at the screen and seen it was a message from Barry.

“Barry why did you…” You got cut off by Barry pointing at the screen
“I got a go to the toilet” Brandy said
“I’m going to get a drink” Dustin said
“I’m going with Dustin” Robb said

They all left before you got a chance to finished reading the message.

“So” Barry said
“So” You said
“I don’t know how to do this but here goes nothing” Barry said “I was wondering if…you would…maybe…”
“Would I go out with you” You finished for him
“Um yeah” Barry said
“Of course I would I love you too much to say no” You said
“Wonderful” Barry smiled
“So what happened while we were gone” Robb asked

You and Barry looked at each other before holding up your interlocked hands.

“Yay finally” Brandy smiled
“Our little Barry’s all grown up” Dustin said pretending to wipe a tear from under his eye
“Okay cut it out and let’s eat” You said

You all ordered your lunches and dug in. It was all talk about random things until it fell back on the formal dinner.

“So Robb, Dustin I was thinking because ______ and Barry would be going together maybe we could go as a group” Brandy said Dustin started running his hand over his neck
“I’ll think about it” Robb said
“Okay then” Brandy said

After you finished lunch you all headed back to the Inn. Upon arrival Brandy pretty much straight out took your dress. She gave some excuse about Barry sneaking a peek before the dinner. You both knew Barry wouldn’t do that then again he did go through your luggage but that was so you wouldn’t get cold. You let Brandy take your clothes just so you wouldn’t have to deal with her pleading. You love the girl but she knows how to get on peoples nerves. When you were done with Brandy you went back to your room were Barry was looking at a book.

“Where did you get that?” You asked
“It fell out of your bag honest” Barry said
“Give it back” You snapped
“Here take it” Barry snapped

You’d never seen Barry angry but it scared you. You snatched the book up and ran well walked fast (crutches). You didn’t go to Robb or Dustin you couldn’t. You thought about going to Brandy but you didn’t. You walked with the book out of the Inn and to a near by park. When you were younger your mother always took you to the park. It was your special place where you could be anything you wanted to be. You sat on the swings in the quite park and held the book close. The book you held in your hands wasn’t a reading book or any other book like that. It was your mother’s memory book. It had pictures and stories in it from your mother’s life. You didn’t mean to snap at Barry about it but there were things in the book you would rather some people not know.

“I seen you hurry from the Inn did you fight with Barry” Someone said walking over to you
“Oh hi Dustin sort of” You said
“What happened?” Dustin asked
“Well he had this” You said holding up the book “It’s my mothers memory book and when I seen him holding I lost it I yelled at him to give it back then he snapped and told me to take it”
“Barry mad that’s something I never seen” Dustin said
“It’s something you don’t want to see” You said
“Scary” Dustin said
“Very” You said

By this stage Dustin was sitting on the swing beside you. With out thinking Dustin took your hand in his. It wasn’t like how a boyfriend would take his girlfriends hand it was more like you’re my friend and I care kinda way. You looked down at your hands and smiled. You knew Dustin wouldn’t let anyone hurt you in fact being the youngest I don’t think anyone in GHI would let you get hurt.

“Let’s go back to the Inn its getting cold out” Dustin said
“Okay” You smiled

You and Dustin walked to the Inn. Dustin opened the door waiting for you to get in side before walking in and closing the door. You took the stairs back to your floor and said good bye to Dustin before heading to your room. When you opened the door to your room Barry was sitting on his bed with Robb. They were talking but both looked up when you walked in.

“I hope Tweedeldee and Tweedeldum don’t tell each other everything they hear” You smirked
“Never” Robb said
“Anyway I’ll leave you to talk” You said
“We were done anyway” Robb said
“I was gunna go find Dustin and get him to take a walk with me down to the corner shop” You said
“Okay see ya later” Robb said

You walked out the door towards Robb and Dustin’s room. You knocked on the door and waited. When Dustin opened the door you near fell over.

“Put some clothes on” You said
“Be glad I have the towel around me” Dustin said
“I am very thankful” You said “Now hurry and get dressed”
“Why?” Dustin asked
“So we can go for a walk” You said
“Okay on it boss” Dustin said walking into the room
♠ ♠ ♠
Who wouldn't want to see Dustin in nothing but a towel. I mean hay was that an owl.