Status: I'll read over everything and see if I can update this.

We All Like the Irish Gentleman


When you woke at about 10:30 you got up and went back to your room. Barry was beating him self up over the night before. You ran a finger over your now bruised arm.

“You idiot what have you done” Barry said
“You bruised my arm” You said
“I’m so sorry” Barry spun around to face you

You noticed a bruise on Barry’s face. Check that later you thought.
“You should be” You said
“Some thing Robb said last night got to me and because of the alcohol in my system I did something I regret” Barry said
“You scared me and not only that you threw our trust out the window” You said
“Your voice” Barry said “You have an accent”
“Yeah I know Dustin pointed that out last night” You said
“Look I think I should explain what happened last night that made me angry” Barry said
“Please do” You said

*The night before**Barry’s P.O.V*

“Hay anyone in” Robb asked
“Yeah I’m here” I said
“Hay brother you wanna come for a beer” Robb asked
“Yeah sure let’s go” I said

Barry and I walked down to the pub and ordered drinks. It was quite at first but when we reached our 5th Robb decided to talk.

“I can tell you’re not happy with the amount of time ______ spends with Dustin” Robb said
“As long as she’s safe she can hang with who ever she wants” I said
“I know you seen her with Dustin in the park” Robb said
“They were just talking” I said
“But you think there is more between them” Robb said
“Why would I think that” I asked
“Because of the way he looks at her” Robb said “Dustin has told me that he has feelings for her but he also has feelings for Brandy he told me he’d rather go out with Brandy then ruin your friendship with him and your relationship with her”
“You left out the part about him trying to draw her away from me” Barry said
“No he won’t I trust him” Robb said
“Yeah but I don’t” I said slamming down the glass in my hand

I walked out of the pub with Robb running up behind. I didn’t hear anything he said I just wanted to get to sleep. We walked into the hotel and waited for the elevator heading up. When we got to our floor I heard a small sentence from Robb.

“Don’t you hurt her or you’ll be the one who ends up in the worst” Robb said
“DIDN’T YOU GET THE CLUE AT THE PUB PISS OFF” I yelled walking into my room and slamming the door.

*present time**Your P.O.V*

“I guess you know the rest” Barry said
“Barry I would never ever leave you for Dustin and I know how he feels about me but he knows I love you” You said
“It doesn’t seem like it sometimes” Barry said
“You’re going to get jealous when you see me hang with other guys as I am when you hang with others girls” You said
“I guess your right” Barry said
“You know I’m right” You smiled

You gave Barry a quick kiss on the check and smiled at him.

“You need to gain my trust again” You said
“I’ll work on it” Barry said
“Now let me look at the bruise” You said
“It’s nothing” Barry said

As you touched it Barry winced. You touched it softly trying not to cause anymore pain then necessary. You could tell it was swollen.

“I’ll be back” You said
“Where are you going?” Barry asked
“To get some ice” You said
“Oh right” Barry said

You walked down stairs and into the dinning part of the Inn and hit the bell.

“Can I help you?” A man asked
“Could I get some ice” You asked
“What for” the guy asked
“My Boyfriends face” You said
“Okay” the guy said

He handed you a small bag of ice and you took it back up to Barry.

“Here put this on your cheek” You said
“Okay” Barry said
“Good I’ll be back in an hour” You said
“Where are you going?” Barry asked
“Robb’s taking me on a tour of some sort” You said
“Okay and remember lunch with your auntie” Barry said
“I know” You said walking out the door

Just in time too Robb had just walked out of his room.

“Hay my brother” You called
“Hay girl” Robb said
“What’s this tour you’re taking me on” You asked
“Well a little monkey told me you liked crime and jails so I’m taking you on an Irish crime tour” Robb said
“And how long will this take” You asked
“The tour starts at 11 and finishes at 1 why” Robb asked
“I have lunch with my auntie at 1:30” You said
“Well you may be there just a little late” Robb said
“She’ll understand” You said “Also I know who this little monkey is”
“And who would it be” Robb asked
“Well one his a big monkey and he knows it” You said “Grant told you”
“He did but do you know how he knew” Robb asked
“Because I told him I guess” You said
“There is something I need to talk to you about” Robb said
“That being” You asked
“Grant told me ever since you were a little girl you liked crime shows all that would have to be done was sit you in front of the TV with a crime show and you would be happy” Robb said
“And how would he know that I only meet him recently” You said
“I’m sure Grant would have wanted to tell you him self but your fathers not dead” Robb said
“He is I seen him crushed in front of me” You raised your voice slightly
“Your father and your mother were too young to keep you so they made the decision to give you to your auntie and her husband after they died you stayed with there two children who your grew up thinking was your brother and sister” Robb said
“So the people I have called mum and dad are really my auntie and uncle” You said
“Yes but you see your mother died not long after you were born there were complications her body simply couldn’t take it” Robb said
“So you’re telling me my fathers alive” You said
“Yes his waiting for you” Robb said
“Where” You asked
“His going on the tour with us” Robb said

You smiled brightly knowing that you would get to meet your father. You wondered what he would be like. You had many questions running through your head that when you seen him all the questions went away.

“Jason” You said
“Ah so you remember my name” Jason said
“_______ meet your father” Robb said
“Wait let me get this right your like 38 right and I’m 21 so that makes a 17 year difference” You said “You were 17 when I was born”
“And your mum was 16 almost 17” Jason said
“But aren’t you a grandfather already” You said
“Ah yes thanks to my second eldest” Jason said
“Me being the first” You said
“Yeah” Jason smiled

You walked closer and wrapped your arms around Jason.

“Why didn’t you tell me sooner” You said letting a tear roll
“Because I though when you found out that I was and what I did that you would want to be like me” Jason said
“I like ghost hunting always have” You said
“So I heard but your special as you would already know” Jason said
“You mean the dreams” You said
“The dreams were safe until you entered the field now ghosts are going to try and approach you talk to you” Jason said
“How like try to send me dreams” You said
“Yes and not only dreams they may try to send images through items they owned” Jason said
“What like I touch it and see something” You said
“Yes look I just want you to be careful” Jason said
“Don’t worry she’ll be fine I’ll be keeping a close eye on her also Dustin’s got her back” Robb said
“Hay guys Jason what are you doing here” Barry asked
“______ Do you want to tell him” Jason smiled
“Barry this is my dad” You smiled
“Wait I thought your dad was dead” Barry said
“So did I” You said “I fill you in later”
“Okay” Barry said taking your hand and lacing your fingers together
“Is there something I should know about?” Jason asked
“I know your rule about dating people you work with Robb and Dustin don’t mind” You said “I’m going out with Barry”
“Hurt her and as her father I have the right to kill you” Jason said
“Okay” Barry said
“Hay where’d you get the bruise” Robb asked
“Oh it’s from last night” You said
“What happened last night?” Jason asked
“Nothing you need to worry about” You said

Jason took your arm and looked at the bruise.

“That looks like a hand someone grabbed your arm” Jason said
“Look Jay we’ve already sorted it out” Barry said
“I want to know who put the bruise on her arm” Jason said
“I did” Barry said
“What happened?” Jason asked
“I put an idea in his head and he was drunk when I did so he kinda got violent” Robb said
“How violent” Jason asked
“He only grabbed my arm and he yelled at me a bit that was before Robb showed up” You said
“I don’t want to hear of it again” Jason said
“You won’t” Robb said