Status: I'll read over everything and see if I can update this.

We All Like the Irish Gentleman


You, Robb and Jason all headed down to a pub. You’re ordered Pizza for all 3 of you.

“I thought you went for lunch with your auntie” Robb said
“We got in a fight so I grabbed Barry and left” You said “I hope you don’t mind but I ordered 3 pizzas because I eat a whole one myself”
“We’ve seen that in action” Robb laughed
“So how has my little girl been” Jason asked
“We’ve had no problems with her though since she arrived two people have disappeared but I don’t think that’s her fault” Robb said
“Whose disappeared” Jason asked
“Ah Joe and Ashley” Robb said
“That explains it’s self” Jason said
“I guess it sort of does” Robb said thinking about it
“Pizza 1 pepperoni with extra BBQ sauce, 1 with ham and pineapple and 1 supreme” A young guy said
“That’s us” You said

You took the pepperoni leaving the two guys to fight over the other two. In the end they went half’s on it.

“So do you want to tell me about your leg” Jason said
“Ah yeah well what happened was Barry was taking pictures and I stepped in his way so he told me to move I did and when I did I went out of the room and along the landing I had my back turned to the stairs and it sounded like someone was walking towards us so I turned to see who it was but no one was there so then I went to turn to Barry and tell him what happened but there was a flash of light that I took to be the camera and I fell down the stairs” You said
“You never told me about the footsteps” Robb said
“I’m sure I did” You said
“No you said there was a flash that wasn’t the camera that caused you to fall” Robb said
“Wait the camera had no flash so what was the light” Jason asked
“I don’t know” You said
“Was it just light” Robb asked
“There was a central point” You said closing your eyes “It came from the one spot near Barry” Your eyes shot open as you looked at Robb
“What is it?” Jason asked
“There was a figure in the light a girl she was running” You said
“Running from what” Robb asked
“I didn’t see what it was but she ran into me and fell down the stairs except it wasn’t her who falls it was me” You said
“I told you it was unsafe” Jason said
“What would cause that” Robb asked
“The ghost showed her what happened to it” Jason said
“So what she’s like a medium” Robb said
“But more she can see the future and communicate with the spirits as well as get rid of the ghosts or bring one into an environment” Jason said
“Hold on bring one into an environment” Robb said
“Yes she can call upon any spirit she has come into contact with and bring it to her” Jason said
“How did I end up with this” You said
“Because your mother was the same” Jason said
“Great” You sighed
“I think it’s time for some truth here” Jason said
“I don’t know how much more truth I can take” You said
“The reason your mothers body couldn’t hold out was because of the ghosts using her weakened her” Jason said
“So you’re saying that if the Ghosts starts using me I’ll weaken to the point were even the simplest thing could kill me” You said
“No but it will weaken you if you don’t look after yourself” Jason said
“Okay got it look after me” You said “Just one question”
“What?” Jason asked
“How do I get rid of the spirits?” You asked “Seriously I mean by getting rid of the ghost I don’t have to worry about un-wanted guests popping up”
“Maybe I should take you home” Jason said “We’ll leave tomorrow night then you can come back before the first TV case”
“Why?” You asked mouth full of Pizza
“Don’t talk with your mouthful I’m going to take you to see your grandmother” Jason said
“Let me guess on mum’s side” You said
“Yep” Jason said
“Okay I’m done” Robb said
“Crap my doctors appointment” You said
“Yes we had better get going” Robb said

You Robb and Jason all headed for the hospital were you were due to meet with the doctor. Upon arrival you all went to the out patient desk where the lady pointed you down to your doctor who was waiting for you.

“Well hello how have you been” the doctor said
“Great” you said
“Your leg giving you any pain” the doctor asked
“None” You said
“Okay well we’re going to take an x-ray and if all is right you should be able to get the cast off in 2 weeks then you’ll have to spend 3 weeks in a boot” the doctor said
“Okay let’s get going” You said

You followed the doctor down to x-ray where your leg was x-rayed. After waiting 10 minutes the doctor called you into his office.

“Well I have some good news” the doctor said
“And what would that be” You asked
“Well we can take the cast off and put the boot on today” the doctor said
“But shouldn’t it be broken badly still” You said
“Well you have bones that heal super fast so you should be out of the boot within a week on the up you can fly again” the doctor said
“Great” you said
“Well doctor let’s get going with it” Jason said
“And who are you” the doctor asked “Last time she was with a friend and her boyfriend”
“I’m her father” Jason said
“Okay then sir” the doctor said

The doctor walked off you followed him. Robb and Jason walked along whispering behind you. You soon reached what could be called an operating room for 3. You walked over to a table and jumped on.

“I’m dead leave me in peace” You giggled
“Oh she died so young we shall miss her greatly” Jason said pretending to wipe a tear from his eye
“Okay miss if you could look away from your leg” the doctor said

There was what sounded like a saw of some sort. Then there was air on your leg.

“My legs free from its solid white prison thing” You said for lack of better words
“Let me get the boot” the doctor said

You sat thinking about something until the doctor came back.

“Doctor what’s the rules with the boot” You asked
“Well you can take it off when you shower or when your getting dressed but I suggest when you shower to take it off then without standing on your leg then sit in the shower” the doctor said
“Okay thanks doctor” you said
“And there you have it your ready to leave” the doctor said
“Good 2 hours before dinner” you said
“You girl will need it” Robb giggled
“If Brandy has anything to say about it” You shook your head