Status: I'll read over everything and see if I can update this.

We All Like the Irish Gentleman


You and Robb spent most the night trying to keep still. You would fidget with what ever you could get your hands on. Brandy keeps smacking your hand telling you to act like a lady. Dustin keeps telling Robb to calm down. You looked at Barry with pleading eyes. Barry smiled and nodded.

“Well I’m tired so I’m going back to the Inn see you later” You said standing up
“Wait before you go there’s something I want to ask you” Barry said
“Okay wait this isn’t going to be one of those questions that’s not really a question” You asked
“No” Barry smiled

Barry walked over to you and kneeled down. He reached back into his pocket and pulled out a small box. Your hands went up straight over your mouth.

“Will you marry me” Barry asked
“Yes” You said tears spring to your eyes
“I would have asked sooner but I needed to get permission from your dad first” Barry said
“Man your so old school” You said
“I’ll drive her back to the Inn now” Jay said
“Thanks Jay” You smiled at him
“You can call me dad you know” Jay said
“I know” You said
“Can I say I don’t know were you got your silliness from” Jay said
“Ever look at your self” You said
“You got a point” Jay said
“On thing you all need to learn is I’m always right” You said
“Much like your mother always right” Jay said
“It seems I’m more like mum then you” You said
“So it would appear” Jay said

Jason helped you into the car and took you back to the inn. You taking stairs and Jason waiting for elevator began a race back to your room. You made it first obviously because Jason had to wait for the elevator. Jason walked into your room were you had already got your PJ’s on and was fighting with your boot.

“Stupid thing why won’t you do up” You said
“Need some help there” Jason said
“I can’t get the straps done properly” You said
“Here let me help” Jason said

He kneeled down and done the straps in no time.

“How come you could do that” You said
“Well you see Grant and I were on this case just when TAPS had started and it was an old house the people who owned it wanted to do the place up but the moment the renovations started so did the spirits they had us there over two days the first day we lost Grant” Jason said
“Let me guess he wondered off and fell down a hole” You said
“Close he and I were walking along this hall and there was a piece of wood covering a hole so we moved the wood and Grant the monkey decided he’d go down and check the area he went to climb down the hole and slipped the hole was so damn dark he could just see me but I couldn’t see him” Jason said “I ended up calling an ambulance who sent of the fire brigade who called the cops thinking we were trespassing”
“Damn bad luck” You said
“I ended up explaining to the cops who I was and what I was doing then I had to explain what happened to Grant anyway met him down at the hospital one dislocated ankle later and I was helping Grant with a boot” Jason said
“You’re good to him” You said
“His my best friend his like a brother” Jason said
“I’ve seen the way you look at him” You said
“What do you mean” Jason said
“I was talking to Robb the other day after the interview I wanted to know if there was something goes on between you” You said
“His just my friend” Jason said going serious
“I’ve seen how you look at him and so has everyone else everyone knows you and your wife are in the crapper and that he split with his wife not long ago” You said
“He split from his wife” Jason said
“I guess he didn’t want to worry you he knows you’re really protective of him and you know why” You said
“No why” Jason asked
“Because his your Grant and no one else’s” You said “I wouldn’t think of you any less if you wanted to go out with him”
“But he doesn’t like me the way I like him” Jason said
“Oh I think you’d be pleasantly surprised” You smiled
“Look I don’t have a room do you think I could crash on the couch” Jason said
“You can take my bed and I’ll sleep in Barry’s” You said
“And where am I suppose to sleep” Barry asked walking in the door
“In your bed” You said
“Right” Barry said

Barry took his stuff and walked into the bathroom re-appearing not much later.

“Jason’s asleep” You whispered
“Okay maybe now you can tell me about your mum” Barry whispered
“Well Jason told me that being able to talk to ghosts and being able to see what happened to them weakened my mum so when she had me her body was put under stress that it couldn’t handle so it killed her” You whispered
“I meant about why they gave you up” Barry whispered
“Well obviously he was 17 mum was almost 17 and after she died he just couldn’t keep me so he gave me to my uncle when I was only a few days old he was in my life until I was 6 on my 6th birthday at my party he wanted to let me know he was my father but my uncle told him to wait until I was 13 but dad didn’t want to wait so he tried to take me in the middle of the night that pushed my uncle over the edge so he had a falling out with my dad and then he moved house and didn’t tell dad so dad didn’t know who I was or were I was until I showed up for the interview” You told Barry
“You left out the part about the restraining order and the fact that he told everyone but me and that I carry a picture of you around” Jason said
“I thought you were asleep” You said
“You thought wrong” Jason said
“I’m the actor how could you out act me” You said
“What did you act in” Jason said
“I was in 3 school plays” You smiled
“And they were” Jason asked
“Little red riding hood, Sadako and the thousand paper cranes and Star Wars the saga begins we turned the song into a play” You smiled
“And what parts did you play” Jason said
“A tree, a paper crane and Yoda” You said
“I’ve made my point” Jason said
“I’m a good actor” You said
“You were a tree” Jason said
“I’m going to bed” You said
“Good night” Jason said

You lay down and waited for Barry who draped one arm over your waist. You fell asleep quickly.
♠ ♠ ♠
I think this chapter is both heart warming and funny. So what did y'all think.