Status: I'll read over everything and see if I can update this.

We All Like the Irish Gentleman


The only thing that slowed you down was the def farmer and his not so happy cattle. You soon got to the office with 20 minutes to spare. Walking in you looked around unsure of what to do.

“Can I help you” a woman asked
“Yes I’m here for a job interview” you said
“Your _____ right” the lady smiled
“Yeah that’s me” You said
“Okay well just let me get the bosses” she said “Oh by the way I’m Kris”
“Nice to meet you” You smiled

The girl stood up from her small desk and walked out of the room. You looked around the room to find posters around the room. One caught your eye it showed 3 guys from the GHI team. You walked over to it and looked to realise your eyes weren’t playing tricks on you. The three guys on the poster where none other then Dustin, Robb and Barry who you had meet the night before. You where brought from your thoughts by the sound of the door opening behind you. Spinning around you couldn’t help but smile.

“Hay my sister what’s doin” Dustin smiled
“Here for my job interview my brother” You smiled
“Ah so you speak my language nice” Dustin said with a cheesy grin
“I guess that means we’re super awesome” You smirked
“Supernaturally super awesome” Dustin smiled
“Let me guess by the way your dressed I’d say you were Dean Winchester” you giggled
“Ah yes Supernatural what a show but I don’t get to watch it all that much” he sighed
“I have all the season I could let you borrow them and catch up” You smiled
“You’re the best” Dustin smiled picking you up and spinning you around.
“We don’t need you to kill the newbie before we get a chance to talk to her” you heard Robb speak up

You turned and faced Robb who look shocked to see you again. Barry didn’t seem at all surprised he just looked at you and smiled. You smiled back at Barry before looking at Robb.

“I’ll take it you know her” a short guy with brown hair said
“Ah yeah sort of she ever told us her name” Robb said looking to the short guy
“Okay well bring her in and lets talk” the short guy said

You followed Robb and Barry into the room they had just walk out of. Robb pointed at a seat and motioned for you to stay standing.

“Okay so I’m Grant Wilson and this is Jason Hawes we are the founders of TAPS” the short man said
“Hi nice to meet you I’m _____” You said

You all took a seat and started.

“Okay well first off we need you to fill in some paperwork just the normal stuff” Grant smiled
“Okay” You said taking the papers

As you were filling in the paper all you could think was damn why couldn’t you work with TAPS? Grant was super cute with his dark brown hair and dark brown eyes. Soon the paper work was done and you handed it over.

“Okay now we just want to ask you a few questions if you don’t mind” Jason said
“Shoot” You said
“Okay then where were you born?” Grant asked
“Exeter Rhode Island” You said
“And where do you live now” Grant asked
“Just out side Warwick on a farm but it takes me an hour to get in because of traffic” you explain
“Traffic out there” Grant said
“Yeah mainly farms moving live stock” You said
“Okay um who do you live with” Grant asked
“My brother and sister” You say
“What kind of experience do you have?” Robb asked
“Well I use to have a small group and we would investigate on weekends all legal of course but we split when personal relationships and work relationships crossed” You said
“Do you remember what equipment you used” Jason asked
“We have a flir thermal imager, a few mini DV’s, two wireless audio recorders, a few digital audio recorders, there was also some hand held DVR’s also we had our DVR’s connected to our computers and there was a few different EMF meters” You said
“Do you still have this equipment” Jason asked
“Well I still have my thermal imager, one of the EMF meters and a hand held DVR, and a digital voice recorder” You said “The rest I sold”
“What was your position in your group” Grant asked
“I was the tech manger/tech specialist and I was of course founder and lead investigator” you smiled
“Well we have all we need I believe Barry and Robb have something for you to do so we’ll leave them in your hands” Grant smiled
“Thanks” You smiled
“Okay girly follow us” Robb said

You walked behind Barry and Robb down some stairs and into what seems like the basement of the building. Barry walked over to the other side of the room and sat down at a desk sliding his glasses on. You looked up at Robb who smiled at you.

“Barry here is fixing some equipment so to test you we want to see what you know” Robb said
“Okay” You said walking over to a table covered in equipment
“Okay so I’ll leave you two too it, have fun and don’t fight children” Robb smirked
“Okay dad” you smiled hugging him and giving him a kiss on the cheek
“I’m going to kill you but not here” Robb said wiping his face
“I dare you” You said as Robb walked out of the basement