Status: I'll read over everything and see if I can update this.

We All Like the Irish Gentleman


“Steve Tango you take the Van and the girls will ride with us” Jay said
“Okay” You said
“Well guys I’ll see you all in a couple of weeks have fun with out me” Amy said
“Bye Amy” everyone said

You all headed for the cars and piled in. The trip took 30 minutes to arrive at location. Grant, Jason and Steve went of on the tour while you waited behind with Tango and Kris.

“I’ve had a break through” You yelled sticking one finger in the air
“With what” Kris asked
“Well on the GHI team Robb, Brandy, Joe and Ashley are my friends, Dustin is my bestest friend and obviously I’m engaged to Barry” You said “So on this team Jay and G are my dads I guess you could say and Amy and Kris are my friends and Steve and Tango are my bestest friends”
“You’re what” Tango almost yelled
“Oh right you didn’t know” You said
“Damn right we didn’t know” Tango said
“You didn’t take note of the ring” You said
“Well no” Tango said
“Next time look at the ring and ask it may just get you some were” You said
“Good point” Tango said
“My problem is what should I call Grant” You said
“How about Grant” Kris said
“I guess I could him Grant or Daddy Wilson” You said
“Just call me Grant” Grant said walking up behind you
“Okay then Grant” You said
“______You’ll start off with us” Jay said
“Okay” You said
“Try not to break your other leg” Grant smiled
“I won’t” You said

You walked into the family’s house and stopped to look around.

“I think we should start in the lounge room” You said
“Okay” Jay said
“Why do you want to start in here” Grant asked
“I think this is were will get most of the activity” You said
“We aren’t aware of anything happening in this room” Grant said
“I feel drawn to this room” You said
“Steve” Jay said into the walkie
“Steve here” Steve said
“Have you got a DVR camera out there” Jason asked
“Yeah” Steve said
“Could you bring it in please” Jason said
“On it” Steve said

Steve walked in a few minutes later with the DVR. Jay and Steve set the DVR to cover most of the room. Grant moved you so you were sitting in the cameras view.

“Steve I need you to keep a close eye on her” Jay said
“Why” Steve asked
“Grant and I are going to go through the rest of the house and leave her here I need you to be ready to dash in if anything happens to her” Jay said
“Okay” Steve said

Steve left the house while Jason and Grant walked from the room. You stayed seated. You looked around the room and got to know your surrounds. You closed your eyes so you could listen to the room and hear the natural noises. You had lay back in the chair and started to relax when it sounded like two men had started arguing. You opened you eyes and looked around. You couldn’t see anyone in the room but you could hear the voices.

“Steve has you got visual on my dad and G” You said to the walkie
“Yeah there up stairs right above you” Steve said
“Are they arguing” You asked
“No there talking softly” Steve said
“I can hear two guys arguing” You said
“Where” Steve asked
“I can’t tell if it’s in front of me or above me” You said
“Sorry I got nothing on any of those cameras” Steve said
“Okay I’m going to place an audio recorder down on the coffee table” You said
“Okay Steve over and out” Steve said
“This is ________ Regan family case 10:40 pm lounge room” You said “I’m leaving this recorder on the coffee table in hope of catching the arguing voices”

You left the room and walked up stairs. You opened the door to the room above the lounge room and stuck your head in the door.

“Hay guys” You whispered
“Hay anything happen” Jay asked
“I’ve placed a recorder on the coffee table down stairs I could hear guys arguing so I’m hoping to catch that” You whispered
“Could you track it to any were” Grant asked
“Nah it was to hard to figure out if it was above me or in front of me” You said “You have anything up here”
“No it’s quite” Jay said

Just then down stairs there was a loud crash. All three of you jumped up and ran down stairs. Needless to say you and Grant left Jason eating your dust. You set to work trying to figure out what crashed when Tango’s voice came through the walkie.

“Guys one of the cameras fell down” Tango said
“Which one” You asked
“Um lounge room it looks like” Tango said
“What happened” You asked
“We’ve looked at the tapes and it looks like someone punched it” Tango said “You see this hand then the camera falls then two sets of feet walking away”
“It wasn’t us we were up stairs” You said
“The camera confirms that” Tango said
“Okay” You said
“The cameras not broken so that’s good” Jay said
“I told you things would happen in here” You said
“I want to role play” Grant said “I think we should be the family”
“Okay so it’s a family of three the son and two parents” You said
“Exactly you take the sons room we’ll take the parent’s room” Grant said “I want to know what happens then”
“Okay let’s go” You said
♠ ♠ ♠
ihustlehard111 this is for you since your the only one who commented here is the next chapter. MORE COMMENTS OR NO UPDATES. I feel like I'm writing for thin air.

Oh and keep and eye out I'm going to try and get the character bios going. I'll try to keep them short. Now if you don't mind I smell I'm going for a shower.