Status: I'll read over everything and see if I can update this.

We All Like the Irish Gentleman


You and the guys went different ways. After about 30 minutes nothing had happened.

“Guys update” You said to the walkie
“We have nothing what are you doing” Jay asked
“I’m laying on the son’s bed you” You asked
“We’re lying on the parent’s bed” Jay said
“Maybe we should send another group in” You said
“Maybe we should check in with them see what’s doing” Jay said
“Okay” You said “Calling all units”
“Steve here” Steve said
“What are you lot doing” You asked
“Watching the cameras and Kris is asleep in the SUV” Steve said
“Okay you seen anything on the camera” You asked
“Nothing” Steve said
“Okay we’ll give it a few minutes and you and Tango can come in” You said
“Copy” Steve said
“Over and out” You said

Just as you finished talking with Steve there was a bang and Steve started talking again.

“Guys your going to want to get down stairs fast” Steve said
“On our way” You said

You and Grant once again left Jay eating your dust. You ran down stairs looking around you noticed nothing out of place.

“Tell me where I’m going Steve” You said
“Dinning room” Steve said

You walked into the dinning room and looked around. You could have sworn that when you left the chairs were around the table not on the table.

“Steve what happened” You asked
“I seen one guy walking around placing the chairs up then he ran off” Steve said
“Well the chairs wasn’t the big bang we heard I’m gunna set up a camera here and move the chairs back see if it happens again” You said
“Okay” Steve said

You pulled the chairs down a placed a hand held down to face the table in case the chairs moved again. You started to look around as Jason and Grant were. You found nothing to make the noise so you left the house and sent Steve and Tango in. You sat staring at the screens waiting for something to happen. You must have nodded off because you got woken by Kris.

“Jay wants you to go on a walk through with me” Kris said
“Okay I’m up” You said “What’s the time”
“Ah 2:30 Jay said we can do our walk through then Grant wants you to go with him and do some debunking then we’ll wrap” Kris said
“Great let’s get going” You said

You walked in side and went to some of the earlier spots a few things had changed. First off the camera from the lounge room had been moved to the hall.

“Who moved the camera” You asked
“Steve and Tango moved it because they heard noises in the hall” Kris said
“Okay what else has been changed” You asked
“There is a recorder in the parent’s bed room” Kris said
“Right so were shall we start” You asked
“I was thinking maybe we could go through room to room with the different equipment and find anomalies” Kris said
“Who gets what” You asked
“You can have the EMF I’ve got thermometer you and Grant will do the Thermal when you debunk” Kris said
“Got it” You said

You and Kris started in the laundry which was located in the basement. The machines gave of some EMF and the temperature was a little higher then up stairs but it was not enough to cause anything that could lead to the belief of a haunting. Heading to the main floor you started in the kitchen. You came up empty. In the dinning room there seem to be a 10 degree change in temperature but only above the table. The temperature around the table read 77 °F while over the table it read between 66 – 67°F. It seemed weird so you took note of it and moved to the lounge room. In the lounge room there seemed to be a rather large EMF field and no apparent reason for it.

Moving to the second floor you started in the son’s room. His room was normal you did get one spike but that was from some wiring in the ceiling but it read fairly low. Moving to the bathroom something weird happened. You had just walked into the bathroom and you were checking the EMF when you got a sudden reading over the tap which just keeps going up as you went to call Kris the tap popped on.

“Did you turn that on” Kris asked
“No it just turned on in front of my eyes” You said
“Serious” Kris said
“Deadly” You said
“That’s strange” Kris said
“I want to look at some thing here hold these” You said handing Kris the EMF and small camera.

You turned off the tap and un-screwed the taps. Turning on your torch you took a look at the rubber stops.

“Debunked” You said it came out more like dehunked with the torch in your mouth
“What did you say” Kris said
“Debunked” You said
“What did you find” Kris asked
“The rubber stops worn down even the smallest amount of water pressure would pop this open” You said
“What about the EMF spike” Kris asked
“Well if you ask me it seems up stairs is full of old not properly covered wire so any EMF reading has to be discounted I say it’s a fear cage” You said
“But down stairs those things can’t be explained away by faulty wiring” Kris said
“I know I’m only saying that upstairs we can’t really count the EMF readings” You said
“Well then let’s go to the parents room” Kris said

You went into the parent’s room. Once again high EMF readings the temperature readings had small changes but nothing worth taking into account.
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