Status: I'll read over everything and see if I can update this.

We All Like the Irish Gentleman


It took Dustin and you no more then 5 minutes to find Robb. As you walked up to him you tried not to give the impression that you were up to no good. Robb was sitting at a desk looking over plans you guessed. You walked over as he looked up and smiled at you.

“Hay has you meet everyone” Robb asked
“Yeah I have” You said
“Your free to go home when ever you want” Robb said
“I have someone to kill first” You said
“What do you mean? Who are you going to kill?” Robb asked
“Well someone has been telling people that I’m with Barry” You said
“R-Really who would do that” Robb asked
“I was told his name was Robb” You said
“Me never I told the GHI team you where going to be working closely with Barry so you could learn about the equipment” Robb said
“I’ll let you get away with it this once” You said
“Thank you” Robb said

You walked from Robb’s office followed by Dustin.

“I’m going on a Barry hunt” You said
“Have fun” Dustin said walking away

You walked around the building looking for Barry. Hell you checked the basement twice. You soon gave up and went back to Robb.

“Do you have Barry’s number?” You asked
“Yeah why” Robb asked
“Because I can’t find him” You said
“Okay here” Robb said throwing you his phone

You found Barry’s number and put it in your phone. Handing Robb’s phone back you walked out of the building dialing Barry’s phone. You heard a phone in the distance hung up walking over to the cars where you found Barry sitting in the back if one of the vans.

“Hay Barry” You said
“Hi” Barry said
“What are you doing out here” you asked
“Well I was thinking” Barry said smiling at you
“Thinking about what” You said sitting next to him
“Well about the fact that Robb wants me to train you he thinks Dustin would fool around to much and Robb’s two busy trying to deal with the problems between Ashley and Joe also I believe he said that he thinks you and Brandy would talk to much and forget about the ghosts” Barry said
“So what do you have to teach me” You asked
“Well we use things that no other team uses like the full spectrum camera and the infer red as well” Barry said
“Just off the topic of ghost hunting for the moment did you know that you’re really easy to talk too” You said
“Really” Barry said
“Yeah I trust you more then the others like sure I get along with Dustin but his someone I can goof around with and Robb’s okay I guess but I think it would take awhile before I could trust him and the others I don’t know” You said
“You trust me you’ve only known me for 2 days really so I don’t quite understand how you could trust me” Barry said shifting his whole body to face you
“Well I don’t know exactly but there is something about you that I can’t quite place me finger on…”
“But I bet you’d like too” Dustin cut you off
“Go away Dean Winchester” You said
“Fine then Sammy” Dustin said
“It’s Sam” You called as Dustin walked away
“What were you going on about” Barry asked
“Nothing just a show we watch” You said
“Oh you mean Supernatural” Barry said
“Yeah that” You said
“Dustin always wants to watch it but he hardly gets too” Barry said
“Told him I’d give him my DVDs” You said
“That’s very kind of you” Barry said
“Yeah well I’ve seen every episode only 300 times so why not” You grinned
“Now what were you saying before Dustin interrupted” Barry asked
“Could we go somewhere” You asked
“Where” Barry asked
“Hay _____ it’s getting late you should go home and pack for tomorrow” Robb said walking over
“Okay then see ya tomorrow Barry” You said “Wait what time do you want me here”
“Two tomorrow afternoon” Robb said
“Okay see ya” You said walking to your car

You climbed into your car and drove home. You arrived home quite happy but walking through that door made you cringe.

“I’m home” You called
“Hay girl congrats on the job” Your brother called
“How did you know” You asked
“We knew you would get” Your sister said

You joined your brother and sister on the couch before telling them.

“So I’m going on my first case tomorrow” You said
“Cool were are you going too” Your sister asked
“Ireland” You said
“WHAT WERE YOU THINKING” Your sister yelled
“I’m sorry but just because you won’t go back doesn’t me I can’t” You said
“You know what happened over there” Your sister said
“I know but I would love to go back so I’m going and you can’t stop me” You said getting up

You left climbing the stairs to your room where you grabbed all your dirty clothes and carried them to the washroom. You threw in all your whites and put the washing machine on rapid plus before adding the detergent and pressing start. You walked back to your room and grabbed your phone. You looked at the screen before placing it back on your desk and opening the doors to your cupboard. You moved your chair from your desk and placed it near the shelf so you could reach your bags. You moved all the little bags so you could get to your big suit case. As you were pulling the suit case off the shelf your chair spun and you fell backwards. You thought you where going to hit the floor but you didn’t. When you opened your eyes you found your self looking at Barry.

“Don’t ever do that again” Barry said looking scared
“Sorry I was just trying to get my bags what are you doing here anyway” You asked
“I came to ask you if you needed a lift tomorrow and to let you know we’ll be gone for 2 months” Barry said
“Well then I better get my clothes washed and dried” You said standing up
“Do you need a lift tomorrow” Barry asked
“I’ll ask” You said

You walked over to the top of the stair case and leaned over the railing.

“Hay Matt Can you drop me at the TAPS office tomorrow” You called down the stairs to your brother
“Both Sarah and I have work tomorrow so you’ll have to find your own way” your brother called back
“Does that answer your question” You turned to Barry
“I’ll pick you up at 12:30” Barry said
“Okay then you should get going so you can pack” You said
“Already done” Barry said
“I’ll put you too work” You said

You unzipped your suit case and began to pack some of your clean clothes. You brought out one of your smaller bags and headed for the bathroom. While you where packing your toiletry’s the washing machine stopped.

“Barry can you go down and put my clothes in the dryer then put the darks on to wash thanks” You called
“Okay” Barry said

You heard Barry walked down stairs while you finished with the toiletries. You walked back into your room and pack your laptop, portable DVD player and your ipod before heading down stairs to send your brother to the shops.

“Hay Matt can you go down the shops and buy a multi region plug for me” You asked
“Yeah sure do you have money” Your brother asked
“Yeah here” You said handing him 20 “If it costs anymore pay the extra and I’ll pay you back”
“Okay be back soon” Your brother said

You went back to your room where Barry was now sitting on your bed. You walked over to your cupboard and pulled out a few jackets and then you moved over to get hats, socks and gloves. You placed everything in your bag before walking off to find something to eat. After doing a shaggy and making your self some sort of sandwich you went back to your room where Barry was still sitting on your bed.

“You can go when ever you like” You said
“Okay leaving I’ll see you tomorrow” Barry said