Status: I'll read over everything and see if I can update this.

We All Like the Irish Gentleman


The next morning you had all your stuff packed. You were a little tired because you had been most the night washing drying and packing clothes. You checked the clock which read 12:00 so you still had half an hour to kill. You decided to sleep until Barry arrived. Just as you lay down the couch someone knocked at the front door. You walked over to the door and opened it to see Barry.

“Don’t tell me the batteries in the clock died again” You said
“Why” Barry asked
“You said you’d be here at 12:30 my clock reads 12:00” You said
“That’s the right time I just dropped by early” Barry smiled
“Why” You asked
“I wanted to talk to you” Barry said
“About what” You asked
“Let’s get your bags in the car first” Barry said

You picked up your two smaller bags while Barry got your bigger one. You walked out to silver SUV with GHI on the back window. Barry opened the doors and loaded your bags in. You looked at all the bags in the back then to Barry.

“Is that all the equipment your taking” You asked
“Yes why?” Barry asked
“That’s a lot of stuff” You said sitting down on the back of the van
“Well like I said we use things others don’t” Barry said
“Right I remember” You nodded

Barry sat down next to you. He seemed like he was trying to say something but couldn’t find the words.

“You wanted too ask me something” You said
“Oh yes never mind I forgot” Barry smiled at you
“Yes we all forget something” You smiled
“So I heard you were going to kill Robb” Barry said
“And who told you that” You said noticing Barry had moved closer to you
“Dustin told me” Barry said leaning closer
“What a big mouth” You said leaning closer to Barry
“Yeah” Barry said you could feel his breath on your lips
“Barry…” You said just as Barry phone rang
“Hello” Barry said

Barry walked off talking into his phone while you sat there thanking god for who ever had called. Barry walked back over to you he looked kinda mad.

“That was Robb he wants us at the office now” Barry said
“Okay” You shrugged

You climbed in the SUV with Barry. There was no traffic so you reached the office in about 20 minutes. You and Barry walked into the office where everyone was waiting. You moved to stand next to Dustin while Barry moved to stand next to Robb. Each time you’d look at Barry he would look away. As everyone moved to climbed into the cars you seen Barry pulled off to the side by Robb.

*Barry’s P.O.V*

“What happened between you and ______” Robb asked
“Nothing I swear” I said
“I’m going to believe you but just know if there is a problem between you two one of you will have to leave” Robb said
“I’m aware” I sighed
“Good let’s get going” Robb said


Barry and Robb joined the group were Barry went straight to the SUV. Robb walked over to talk to you.

“Okay so you’ll be riding with Barry” Robb said
“Okay then” You said
“Did anything happen with you and Barry” Robb asked
“No why” You asked
“Your not getting along like usual” Robb said
“In that case there is a problem his name is Robb” You smirked crossing your arms
“Really well I’ll deal with him” Robb mocked
“Good” You nodded walking away

You climbed in next to Barry and started to the airport. The drive was the longest, most boring drive in the history of drives. Soon you arrived at the airport. Because there were so many bags the GHI team had there own plane. Dustin soon explained that they didn’t pay for the plane but simple the air fair to get where they needed to go. As soon as you and Barry had placed everything in the plane Robb told everyone to find a partner to sit with for the flight. As if on cue Dustin walked over to Robb while Ashley and Brandy paired up leaving you, Barry and Joe.

“If you don’t mind I’d like two seats so I can research” Joe said
“Okay I guess that leaves you two” Robb said
“Okay” Barry said

Everyone climbed on the plane. Taking there seats you and Barry walked up the back of the plane. You automatically took window seat while Barry sat on the edge. As soon as you were in the air Robb started talking.

“Okay everybody tries to get some sleep so the jet lag won’t be so bad” Robb said

How am I suppose to sleep you thought and you’re sure Barry was thinking the same thing. Soon everyone was asleep except for you and Barry.

“Do you hate me” Barry asked
“Of course not why would you think that” You asked
“Well before” Barry said
“That doesn’t matter” You said
“Can I ask you a question” Barry asked
“Sure” You smiled
“Close your eyes” Barry said
“That’s not a question” You said
“Can you close your eyes” Barry asked
“Yes I can” You said
“Well” Barry said
“You asked me if I could not if I would” You said
“Fine would you close your eyes” Barry asked

You closed your eyes after a few minutes nothing had happened. You were about to open your eyes when you felt a pair of lips on yours. You knew it was Barry so you kissed back. Barry broke away and looked at you. You smiled back him.

“So” Barry said
“So” You said
“That was” Barry seemed lost for words
“Wonderful” You finished
“If only Robb hadn’t interrupted earlier” Barry said
“I think we should get some sleep” You said
“Yes we should” Barry said

You turned and faced the window falling asleep almost instantly.
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Here's the good chapter and because I'm so nice I'll posted the bad chapter as well.