Status: I'll read over everything and see if I can update this.

We All Like the Irish Gentleman


After what seemed like forever you and Barry had checked all the equipment and had batteries charging. You walked off to Robb’s room where everyone except for Joe and Ashley seem to be.

“Where’s Joe and Ashley” You asked
“Don’t know all I know is I was kicked out of my room” Brandy said

Despite what happened with Barry you and Brandy had become friends. You knew she liked Barry and she knew you liked Barry. You both knew Barry had eyes only for you.

“Anyway who’s ready for lunch” Robb asked
“Where are we going to go” Barry asked
“There was a place just down the road” Dustin said
“Well let’s go” You said

Everyone walked over to the elevator. Robb pressed the button on elevator and waited. You looked over at Dustin who nodded knowing what you were thinking.

“We’re gunna take the stairs” Dustin said
“Okay but don’t complain when we beat you down” Robb said
“In your dreams” Dustin said as you walked down the stairs

You and Dustin walked over to the lounge in the main lobby. You leaned up against a pole while Dustin sat on the arm of the couch. After 5 minutes Robb, Brandy and Barry walked out of the elevator.

“How did you get down here so fast” Robb said
“Easy took the stairs” Dustin laughed you joining in
“You two are mean” Barry said only causing you to laugh harder

You and Dustin spent the whole walk talking away not really paying attention to the others. When you arrived at the restaurant you took a booth and waited for someone to serve you. Soon a lady walked over took orders. Amazingly you and Barry choose the same thing. You both got Irish lamb stew. The lady serving you seemed familiar you could have sworn she was your aunt. You let it slide as the lady walked away. You waited until she came back with the drinks.

“Excuse me you won’t happen to know a Roberto Stevens would you” You asked
“Yes his my husband why do you ask” the lady said
“Auntie Melina” You smiled
“Oh dear it can’t” Your auntie smiled “Is it really you _____”
“Oh my gosh it’s been so long Auntie” You said hugging her
“To long” You auntie smiled
“Auntie I would like you to meet my friends this is my friend Robb, My best friends Brandy and Dustin, and that’s my friend Barry” You said pointing to everyone
“Nice to meet you all” Your auntie said “So did you find that special someone yet”
“That would be Barry his Irish” You said walking away from the group
“Ah yes a fine Irish gentleman” Your auntie said
“Well I’ll let you go back to work and I’ll go join my group we have lots to talk about before the case tonight” You said
“What case” Your auntie asked
“Well not only are they my friends there my work colleagues” You said
“And what do you do” Your auntie asked
“We hunt ghosts” You smiled
“I thought I knew those guys you where with” Your auntie said
“So you watch GHI I take it” You said
“I love it” Your auntie said “My little niece on TV”
“Yeah I know well you should be getting back to work” You said
“Okay going” Your auntie said

You walked back over to the group and sat down again.

“You aunt seems nice” Barry said
“She’s the best” You said
“Okay everyone your lunch is ready” Your aunt said walking over with bowls of food

All lunch was spent working out the case and eating. When everyone was done you walked back to the Inn where you and Dustin opted to take the stairs while everyone else waited on the elevator. Once again you and Dustin beat them. You and Barry walked back to the room with the equipment and changed the charged batteries for the dead ones. Once you where done you went back to your room to lounge around for the afternoon.