This Is An S.O.S.


The clouds had started to go away. Travis got to school before me. He hung out with Megan and Crea. "CREA." I yelled.

"ALEX" she yelled back. Travis and his friends started looking at me funny. "You're wearing your purple pants."

"You're wearing my pants." I said to Rebecca. She was wearing the skeleton pants I let her borrow. We talked about stuff while Travis and his friends went somewhere.

"Let's go to your history teacher's class." Rebecca suggested. We all started to walk to Mr. Schulman's room. He wasn't there.

"What about Mrs. Egleston's room?" Crea asked. We walked over there. I could see Travis from the window.

"Brittany's in there." I said.

"I hate her." Crea said.

"Not that Brittany, geez." We walked in, everyone started at us wierd. I chose the seat at the end, next to the one that Crea was in when she kept taking notes.

We talked about stuff, and the people who Travis was hanging out with talked with us. I showed Crea and Rebecca some of the stuff I brought to school when Travis left.

At brunch, I got to show Hannah Chris. She agreed that he was what I say I like. Nerds. I also found out that Chris has P.E. the same time as Travis and Maria.

In science, I put on two jackets and people thought I was crazy. I had to walk home, and it's about 40 degrees.

After class, but before the bell rang, me, Jeneva, Travis, Alex, and Jessica stood around mine and Alex's desk. Travis was acting like me. He was 'no' ing Alex.