This Is An S.O.S.


Mr. Rippe made me go to the library. My dad's got him on my ass now because I got an f in math.

I finished my homework, and went to Megan. I made her buy me fruit snacks from the line. I've been waiting for Travis to come in to prep. While leaving, I saw him sitting at a computer with his hand up.

At brunch, since it was raining, we all went to Mr. Schulman's room. Inside, Travis and his friends were sitting at some tables. He was eating a sammich.

"Okay. Alex, put your hand like that." I obeyed, but kept going. "STOP. You weren't suppoded to keep going."


I did it right that time. Mr. Schulman got a bewildered look on his face when we were done. "I once knew a guy who could put his leg all the way around like that." He put his leg around like an arm. Travis and his friends were looking at us wierd.

All my friends think Mr. Schulman is cool. Yesterday, my friend asked him if he was sure he was a guy, and he said "I'll check next time I'm in the shower" Rebecca got a look and said "did you hear what he just said?" I nodded. He's a little bolder than other teachers.

In science, we had to measure ourselves. I was kind of creeped out about that because my science teacher is a pervert, and I don't want him to know what size I am. He called Travis, when he passed me to get to the teacher, I bitched at him because I was bored.